Media Clutching Pearls Over Trump Calling Kamala A "B!tch" In Private

6 months ago

Posted • August 11, 2024: The media is shocked, SHOCKED we say, that Trump has called Kamala Harris a b**ch so either they haven't been paying attention to Trump for the last decade OR they have no idea who Kamala really is. C'mon, if they think Trump is the only one calling Kam-Kam the b-word we have some beach property for sale in Kansas. Cheap. -- Megyn Kelly who Trump has not always been so kind to dropped the media right on their heads for being OUTRAGED and pretending this should in any way be a story: Mike Allen @mikeallen: “🚨🚨🚨 Report: Trump has repeatedly called @KamalaHarris a "bitch" in private” -- Megyn Kelly @megynkelly: “She calls him a criminal sexual predator fraudster so I’m pretty sure none of us care.” -- The only people who care weren't voting for Trump in the first place. *shrug*

Oh, she's called him lots of things other than a predator … *Hitler. There was that time she joked about killing Trump with Ellen Degeneres. Democrats compare Donald Trump to H*tler and call him a dictator. But he's not allowed to fight back. REEEEEEE. boo hoo… I'm sure Willie Brown's wife called her worse than that… What's interesting is the people arguing with her that it's TRUE that Trump is a predator and such have no idea that basically they've made Trump's argument for him as well. It's true, Kamala Harris is a b**ch. We see it every day. Heck, she herself has claimed as much: The🐰FOO @PolitiBunny: “The dogs woof-growled under their breath when I played this … she’s just so awful.” Side note: This story is absolutely true - the sound was 'on' when the video scrolled by and the FOO corgis both woof-growled under their breath. Sort of like when they hear a doorbell ring or a car horn because they think someone bad is around. Dogs know best.

Twitchy: No One Cares! Megyn Kelly Goes Straight-FIRE on Media Clutching Pearls Over Trump Calling Kamala a B**CH

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