Thomas Matthew Crooks & Sam Seder #majorityreport have a lot in common

1 month ago

Thomas Crooks & creepy old man Sam Seder have a lot in common

Thomas Matthew Crooks, who apparently had an account on Gab – agrees w/ the creepy old man Sam Seder on several things. Crooks did not post on Gab very often, but when he did, he expressed support for the man who showered w/ his daughter’s executive orders on immigration, Crooks supported open borders & COVID-19 lockdown policies, which were an utter failure.

If someone took a shot at a prominent Democrat pol & they had MAGA on any of their social media profiles, the creepy old man Sam Seder (why do I call him “creepy”? ) would paint all Republicans as the shooter.

If the person had Alan Keyes on his profile & was wanting the federal personal income tax ended or they wanted Hillary Clinton in prison, all Republicans would be the shooter. If the person thought Dylan Mulvaney was still an XY chromosome homo sapien, Sam Seder would tell everyone that “anti-transgender” people want to commit murder.

Sam Seder is a creepy old, overweight divorcee who uses logic that a 12-year-old would laugh at.

Some in the media are trying to paint Crooks at anti-immigrant & when a Progressive groomer says “anti-immigrant”, what they mean is you’re opposed to open borders for millions of folks from the third world to lower the labor force participation rate of working-age people & expand the permanent underclass. Communists do not want meritorious immigration (and we do need less immigration overall & what immigration we do have should be skilled labor or professionals. The Boomers are going to need doctors & nurses), they want to expand the welfare rolls.

Crooks was an open borders zealot, just like Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, 99% of the Demorat Party & just like the divorcee Sam Seder.

Crooks praised COVID lockdowns & wanted as much economic damage done as possible.

Often, when a left-wing lunatic such as Dylan Butler (who believed in #genderfluid nonsense, allegedly) or Aiden Hale murder people, the apparatus tries to either reinvent the character or hide their views, which is why we know so little about the Nashville “transgender” shooter manifesto.

Crooks’ views are trying to be distorted by some, after they tried to ignore it or memory-hole it.

“The story is this: the account for which data was requested was, UNEQUIVOCALLY, pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden’s immigration policy. To the best of Gab’s knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.”

I wonder if Sam Seder is as sheepish now as he was when he deleted a Tweet about his daughter & Roman Polanski?

PS Even Sam Seder knows the most violent voting bloc in America are Democrat voters & the most violent counties in America typically vote Democrat. #samseder #majorityreport

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