How AI is taking over everything...

1 month ago

What makes AI a serious risk is its “opaque inner workings”. No one, fully understands how AI content is created. This man explains how AI is taking over the systems of society. Companies and AI leaders are working together to force us to become a part of this digital society. This ties in with Rev 13:14 "saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast", The rulers of the world are now busy building this `image`or `representation` to the beast. A beast in prophecy means a `system`, and the `image` is the representation of that system in the Human Body. So the rulers are building this digital system from Russia to Argentina, and in Rev 13:15 it states `And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image or `representation`of the beast , which is the AI, should be killed.` So we can see AI starting to tell governments and business how to run better. This `image`, which is AI, is `speaking ` and causing the system of the world to obey its dictates. This is where we are now, things are coming thick and fast. AI companies continue to remain tight-lipped about their products. Former employees of OpenAI and Google DeepMind have accused companies of concealing the potential dangers of their AI tools. This secrecy leaves the general public unaware of possible threats.By 2030, tasks that account for up to 30 percent of hours currently being worked in the economy could be automated. Social manipulation is controlled and driven by artificial intelligence. It`s AI that writes the main stream media `news` and controls all social media. Main stream media has become even murkier in light of AI-generated images and videos, AI voice changers as well as deepfakes infiltrating political and social spheres. These technologies make it easy to create realistic photos, videos, audio clips or replace the image of one figure with another in an existing picture or video.We can`t believe anything on the `news`, from the so called `brutal Russia war with Ukraine` to the `war with Hamas and Israel`. It can all be manipulated! Where can we get news that we can believe? "No one knows what’s real and what’s not,“You literally cannot believe your own eyes and ears; you can’t rely on what, historically, we’ve considered to be the best possible evidence ...We are all being played. A prime example is the use of facial recognition technology in offices, schools and other venues. Besides tracking a person’s movements, the government is able to gather enough data to monitor a person’s activities, relationships and political views. Facebook maybe? or what about your smartphone? AI is now used to determine whether an individual is suitable for a job, mortgage, social assistance or political asylum. AI technology is resulting in the loss of human influence — and a lack in human functioning — in all parts of society. Using AI in healthcare results in reduced human empathy and reasoning. Applying generative AI for creative endeavors diminishes human creativity and emotional expression. Interacting with AI systems reduces peer communication and social skills. AI will eventually come after anyone who refuses to partake in this `system`.

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