7 months ago

A common mistake that Christians make is allowing stress, worry, limitations, weaknesses and overall daily challenges to defeat them when instead these are the very reasons to stand strong in faith. Unfortunately, it is our failure to give Christ His proper position in our heart that is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith. The Word of God teaches us time and time again that life is a battlefield where only the serious-minded are victorious! In retrospect all the heroes of faith had one thing in common, they were victorious because of the relationship they kept with God! As Christians, we must be equipped to fight against satan and his tactics, that he uses to steal, kill and destroy. The only way to win is with our Helper, Jesus Christ. In this empowering sermon man of God Michael explains that in order for us to enjoy the proceeds of victory we must be spiritually inclined! As you watch, prepare your heart to receive this message, and declare your victory as a child of God because if God is with you, then nothing and no one can be against you. Your attention is necessary so that you learn how to win FOREVER!

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