Russia Forced to Counterattack Ukraine on Home Soil

6 months ago

08/10/2024 Sky News: A shock Ukrainian offensive on the Kursk region has forced Russian firepower to shift towards its own territory. Putin cannot accept that a part of Russia's land has been invaded—something that hasn't happened since 1941. The Kremlin has no choice but to release more footage of Russian forces fighting back to reassure an anxious public.
#RussiaUkraineWar #UkrainianOffensive #Putin #Kursk
08/10/2024 天空新闻台:乌克兰对库尔斯克地区的突袭进攻迫使俄罗斯的火力转向其本土。普京无法接受俄罗斯的一部分领土被入侵,这是自1941年以来从未发生过的事。克里姆林宫只能发布更多俄罗斯军队反击的画面来安抚焦虑的公众。
#俄乌战争 #乌克兰进攻 #普京 #库尔斯克

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