Officer Nicol Leaves AGR Building at 6:13:23 -2 Minutes After The Shots- POSSIBLE SHOT#11 @6:11:52

6 months ago

Alright, re-listened on beats headphones instead of laptop speakers, I think that's the sound of the police car door. It opens a split-second before shot 10 at 6:11:49, so close that hearing it on bad speakers and expecting a shot at that time, the door sound was all I could hear so I assumed that was the shot at that location, then the same sound at 6:11:52 because the sound was always the car door, just muffled together with the other shot. Probably NOT an 11th shot but still, you can't hear it much under the police moving his gear.

Jason Goodman: "Someone exits American Glass Research less than two minutes after @realDonaldTrump was shot at 6:13:23pm. Are there security cameras anywhere in or around the building? Some of the conversation redacted from the audio of bodycam BWC 122111 is barely audible on the dashcam here.

@NwkPhotography says that is Greg Nicol, and I must agree it certainly looks like him."

I could tell right away that was Nicol from seeing him in that uniform in the parking lot in that same time period after the shooting. Very distinct profile/face. I added a photo and a second Goodman clip of him walking back. Who's he talking to? Could be one of the plainclothes officers/agents talking in the footage around the Southwest corner of Bldg 6, with Tedeski I think.

Possible Additional shot(s) after the tenth which was at 6:11:49 but hard to tell with sounds of door opening and other stuff.

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