Marie Antoinette is hated for helping America in the Revolutionary war

6 months ago

France provided money, troops, and naval support for the United States Continental army to fight England with victory and become independent. The French people have hated Marie and her husband every since.

Marie Antoinette is hated for helping America in the Revolutionary war, they show the revolutionary war at the beginning then behead Marie. America has saved French many times since, she helped us with hate and killed their king and queen.

They beheaded Marie with HATE, for she used their men to fight in America. America would never became a nation without Marie and Louis XVI. every American should adore Queen Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI. The French people still hate them both today, over 249 years later. They helped us at the first stages of the war. Many people claim when they visit Paris the people treat Americans badly.

America re=paid this debt in 1918 WWI and other wars to help free FRANCE in WWII with Germany.

The French are evil vial people that have hated Marie for decades for helping America in the revolutionary war, We re-paid that debt to them in 1918 WWI and in WWII Germany, but they still hate Marie and behead her today, 249 years later. When the Ferry man goes down stairs you see the revolutionary war going on and they revolt and Kill the King and Queen. France has always hated foreigners and Marie was Austrian. The FRENCH hate for Marie still lives on.

As a person this angered me, you show a beheading on the opening of the world sports opening ceremony Olympic Paris 2024? WOW! Such HATE! Marie saved America and America has saved FRANCE twice! They are evil un-grateful people. It angered me to see Marie get her head cut off, if it were not for Marie and Louis America would be British today. We would have never won our freedom. I bet the Democrat traitors joined the British in keeping Marie hated, Marie and Louis are American HEROES!

Kelly Clarkson is a ding-bat, and has no clue of the Bible or God. She is a host of stupidity. Most singers and actors are traitors to the American US Constitution and Lord God Almighty.

I noticed on Wikipedia they have dates and history wrong about this war, but I studied is as a History major for years.

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