Judge Michele Fiore INDICTED! She's A Key Witness To Predator Drones Deployed By Obama In NV 2014

7 months ago

PLEASE HELP MICHELE FIORE BY CONTRIBUTING TO HER LEGAL DEFENSE FUND: https://www.givesendgo.com/michelefiorelegaldefense

Michele Fiore, a former Nevada State Assemblywoman and a steadfast champion of justice, is currently facing an onslaught of attacks from the very system she has sworn to uphold. Her unwavering commitment to fairness and her unyielding stand with the people of Nevada during the Bundy Ranch Standoff in 2014 has made her a target of the so-called "Deep State." For her stance in defending and supporting the U.S. Constitution; her loyal dedication to the Bundy Ranch & Malheur Refuge Protest Defendants in California and Oregon as well as the family members who were also impacted by the Deep State's pursuit of their political opponents, Michele Fiore is now a target of those who have weaponized our government.

**** Please also see more information that will be brought forward before and at trial in September. THERE IS NO MORE IMPORTANT LEGAL CASE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ALL AMERICANS HAVE A STAKE IN THE OUTCOME OF THIS TRIAL.

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