NO PLAN "B" if you want REAL SUCCESS

2 months ago

"Burn the boats"
A point of no return.

The concept of burning boats traces back to one of history’s most inspiring leadership stories in 1519. Hernán Cortés led a large expedition consisting of 600 Spaniards, 16 or so horses, and 11 boats to Mexico. The goal: capture a magnificent treasure said to be held there.

Upon arrival, Cortés made history by destroying his ships. This sent a clear message to his men: There is no turning back. They either win or they perish. Although you might assume that Cortés’ men would have become despondent, with no exit strategy in place to save their lives, they instead rallied behind their leader as never before. Within two years, he succeeded in his conquest of the Aztec empire. (Some date this concept even further back in history, to the times of Julius Caesar—in his conquest of England—or even the Ancient Greeks. Regardless, the scenarios and impact were similar.)


In order to solidify my full commitment, I've had to deconstruct my Plan B.
If I continue on as I am, then I will not get to where I want to be.

The alternative to me MAKING this happen is to stay at my job for an indefinite amount of time and continue to miss my children’s childhood.

The other day, my wife asked my 3-year-old son what he wants to be when he grows up and he said he “wants to be like Daddy.”

They want me around. They need me around.

Even with the ballpark timeline I've set for myself to replace my salary of “2-3 years”, that puts my son at 5-6 and daughter at 4-5, and 2/3 of the time will have been given to my job and only 1/3 will have been for them.

I don’t want to leave them each day.

I want them to grow up knowing that their dad did the hard work to get free because of THEM. Because they were so valuable. Because they matter.

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