Mixing And Mastering Tips To Make Money Online.

6 months ago

Mixing And Mastering Tips To Make Money Online.
The information about professional mixing and mastering,
Or just to balance the kick drum and the bass drum and your snare drum and your vocals,
The information is so outdated, it's out date.
It's no, it's no more tips, you can even tell if it just tips,
Or people just wanna copy other people,
Or they just want to make money to get the video monetized, I don't know.
But the information you get on social media, you can't even use it nowadays, that is for the phase before beginners.
It is not even for beginners anymore.
I don't know, there is nothing you can do with the information.
It looks like a lot of help but it is actually nothing.
Because urh, everybody is misleading you.
I don't know what to say, really I don't know.
But I don't wanna judge what people are doing.
I'm actually here to make a way for people.
I want to help people how to go forward with the music and how to craft professional music.
Uhm, Yeah That is what I really want to do.
Now, I'm actually disappointed when I think about how many years I spent searching how to mix and mastering your vocals and your instruments.
Now I'm in a, I'm in a different world.
I do music completely different than anybody is doing on YouTube.
And I feel relaxed but until next we gonna talk again.

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