數百萬英國人奮起反對政府到 2030 年消滅原住民的計劃 Millions of Brits Rise Up Against Gov’t Plan To Eliminate Natives by 2030

6 months ago


數百萬英國人奮起反對政府到 2030 年 #消滅原住民 的計劃

Millions of Brits Rise Up Against Gov’t Plan To #EliminateNative s by 2030


#英國 公民正在大規模奮起反對 #全球主義 統治階級,他們決心剝奪他們的權利,並使全球主義議程的嚴重不公正正常化。

在 #泰勒斯威夫特 舞會上 11 名年輕女孩被殘忍刺傷後,完全滲透的英國政府決定懲罰那些抗議 #開放邊境 的人,宣佈進入 #緊急狀態 ,以揭開令人不寒而慄的新獨裁權力,鎮壓 #異見人士 並懲罰普通民眾。

就在我們說話的時候, #英格蘭 街頭一片混亂,人們繼續起來要求正義,媒體繼續壓制事件的規模。

#British citizens are rising up in huge numbers against the #Globalist ruling class determined to take away their rights and normalize the gross injustices of the globalist agenda.

Following the brutal stabbing of 11 young girls at a #TaylorSwift dance party, the fully infiltrated British government have decided to punish those who are protesting against #OpenBorder s, declaring a #StateOfEmergency to unveil chilling new authoritarian powers to crush #Dissent and punish ordinary people.

There is anarchy on the streets of #England as we speak, as the people continue rising up demanding justice, and the media continues to suppress the scale of events.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v59kp3h-millions-of-brits-rise-up-against-govt-plan-to-eliminate-natives-by-2030.html

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