Cara Castronouva Interviewed by the UnderDog Report

7 months ago

The UnderDog Report Interviews Cara Castronouva
In this exciting interview Cara speak about the Olympics and the controversy on biological men competing in female boxing. As a former professional boxer she used to train with men and she says that the strength difference between male and females in night and day. One time, an inexperienced male sparring partner of her, one that was not actually very good, hit her full force. Her sight went BLACK. This is worse that seeing stars.

She also speaks about her position as a Reporter for NewMax and The Gateway Pundit. She we show a short clip of her interviewing people on the street for NewsMax.

We closed the interview speaking about her being a Christian and the difficulties associated with telling the truth as a reporter. "Was is worth it" she asked herself. She was actually investigated twice by the FBI. It is her faith in God and Jesus Christ that carries her through difficult time.

Watch this exciting interview.
The UnderDog Report Interviews Cara Castronouva
The UnderDog Report produces current event news from a Christian viewpoint published on JoeHoft dot com To view all of our content

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