AK12 8 minute HIIT High Intensity interval Training yoga class

6 months ago

AK12 8 minute HIIT High Intensity interval Training yoga class

1 ROUND OF 8 MINUTE HIIT (or 2 rounds - 16 minutes long)
First Interval is 15 seconds (Dynamic work)
Second Interval is 45 seconds (static yoga pose hold)
NO resting interval
8 rounds x 15 secs/45 secs = 8 minutes
1. Jumping Lunges (15 secs)
2. Warrior I (45 secs) Right Side
3. Jumping Lunges (15 secs)
4. Warrior I (45 secs) Left Side
5. Burpees (15 secs)
6. Plie Squat / Horse Stands Hold (45 secs)
7. Bicycle Abs (15 secs)
8. Plank Hold (45 secs)
9. Side to Side Walking Push ups (15 secs)
10. Extended Side Angle Pose Left Side (45 secs)
11. Mountain Climbers (15 secs)
12. Extended Side Angle Pose Right Side (45 secs)
13. Elbow Plank Jumps Left/Center/Right (15 secs)
14. Deadlifts Right Leg (45 secs)
15. Plank Opposite Hand to Leg Lift (15 secs)
16. Deadlifts Left Leg (45 secs)

This workout was much more difficult than I thought. Next day my obliques were shot ha\
Great for athletes- adds active stretching to your workouts;
Great for yoga practitioners- add jumping and strength training to your yoga practice!
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Virabhadrasana I

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