Support me to contest my case in the Supreme Court against Unfair Suspension by GMC & MHRA

6 months ago

World have been through great deception in the history of the mankind under the shadow of the corona virus since early 2020.

As a senior and qualified health professional I smelled the rat and with my foresight I exposed the fraud played with the entire population of the world by the health authorities, medical regulators, governments , mainstream media under the shadow of the corona virus and fakes PCR test which has now abandoned.

This resulted unprecedented lockdown ,violation of medical ethics , human rights and freedom .
People died of closure of the health services by the government , fear created of the Covid -19 not supported by science , isolation and loneliness not because of the Covid -19 .
In fact now science revealed that H1 N5 flue virus was named as Covid 19 by the WHO on 11/3/2020 one of the most unaccountable health organisation run by the wealthier cults.

I predicted and spoke out against the most evil psyops and the inoculation of very toxic junk of mRNA vaccine which followed good humans like John O'Looney Mark Sexton, MP Andrew Bridgen , and my fellow doctors , David Halpin , Vernon Coleman , Dave Cartland, Dr Almas Qazi , Dr Robert Kennedy , Dr Rashid Buttar , Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Dolores Cahil ,Dr Robert Hodgkin and many likeminded and unsung warriors across the world who joined me hand to hand to expose the biggest ever fraud against the mankind.

But government machinery continued suppressing these truthful voices, through courts, medical regulators, MRHA, SRA which clearly proves the truthfulness which Workd has witnessed .

It has now become evident that 20 millions people have died of toxic junk of vaccine, 2 billions are injured with paralysis , dementia and Alzheimer’s disease . Birth rate has decreased due to oligo and Azoospermia and decreased ovulation and abortions due to mRNA vaccine reported from Australia, Europe , USA and African countries .

I stood for the cause of humanity to create an awareness among public and to elevate their fear due to Covid -19 but I was treated unfairly & brutally with suspension of my licence to practice with zero salary from GMC and NHS since April 2020 which harmed thousands of patients which I could have treated especially the cancer patients .

I have taken to the medical regulator into the supreme court of U.K. for the truth, integrity and justice . Please donate generously for the noble cause to support me . I stood for you to protect you and your generation sacrificed my career now it’s your turn to stand with me and support me to defeat the cults who have made billions of pounds and dollars by saving NHS money and pharmaceutical joints and World economic forum so that justice prevails

Please donate on Just Giving crowed funding and Go fund me crowed funding generously to win the justice .

Dr Mohammad I Adil
MBBS. FRCS( Edinburgh) U.K. FRCSI ( Ireland )
Consultant General, Breast , Colorectal & minimal invasive surgeon
"With over 35 years of unblemished medical record"
"Winner of International medical speaker award ".

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