Ukraine began to use the Scythian tactics: Russian expert explained what awaits Russia now

1 month ago

According to one version, the Scythians are considered the ancestors of the Ukrainians. These steppe tribes were famous for their high level of combat capability and defeated even Alexander the Great, who was considered an invincible commander. The entry of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region and rapid advancement deep into Russia is precisely the signature Scythian style, wrote a Russian opposition political strategist in a column for the publication Pointmedia. Today, Ukrainians are doing the same thing that the Scythians demonstrated two and a half thousand years ago in the war with the Persians who invaded the territory of the Northern Black Sea region. The sudden raids on the rear not only unpleasantly surprised the Persian army of Darius, but also exhausted it to such an extent that it had to leave the lands of the Scythians. Now the Ukrainian Armed Forces are demonstrating a model of warfare that awaits the Russian Federation in the foreseeable future, Gallyamov believes. The Russians will attack the Ukrainians head-on with all their might, and the Ukrainians, in turn, will hit them here and there, suddenly appearing in the most unexpected places. In such conditions, a war of conquest immediately loses its popularity. People begin to think that since our army does not know how to fight, it was necessary not to even start. Like, Yerema-Yerema, you should have stayed at home, so it will become even more difficult for Putin to recruit contract soldiers for the war, the oppositionist predicted. Gallyamov also emphasized that Ukraine has regained the initiative not only in the military, but also in the political sense of the word, demonstrating the victory of intelligence over brute force. Let us recall that Abbas Gallyamov ridiculed the Kremlin's actions against the backdrop of events in the Kursk region: "Now the Russian authorities will cause much more negativity in society."

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