Voyagers Volume 1: The Sleeping Abductees | UFOs & ET Contact | Part 2

7 months ago

Join me as we delve deeper into Voyagers Volume 1: The Sleeping Abductees by Ashayana Dean. This compelling volume explores profound metaphysical concepts, including the hidden aspects of human consciousness, extraterrestrial interactions, and spiritual evolution.

In this second part, we investigate:

00:00 Investigating UFOs
9:31 Deciphering UFOs
15:29 Types of UFOs
21:07 Extraterrestrial Visitation
23:25 The Visitors
24:37 Zeta Reticuli
25:55 Little Greys
27:13 Aethian
31:08 Ranthia (AKA Ranthunkeana)
34:37 The Old Zeta Agenda
39:39 Original Zeta Agenda and the World Wars
48:37 Old Zeta Agenda and Personal Growth
54:36 The Program
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Hashtags: #VoyagersVolume1 #TheSleepingAbductees #AshayanaDean #MetaphysicalInsights #ETContact #UFOs #ExtraterrestrialVisitation #ZetaReticuli #LittleGreys #Aethian #Ranthia #Ranthunkeana #OldZetaAgenda #WorldWars #SpiritualEvolution #EsotericKnowledge #CosmicForces #MultidimensionalExistence #UFOStudies #ExtraterrestrialInteraction #TheProgram

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📛Name: Justin
🙏🏻Purpose: Offer healing, love, compassion, share knowledge, and support others on their spiritual Path
🙈Truth Seeker
☀️Sun in the 8th: Cancer ♋ conjunct. Venus
🌙Moon: Capricorn ♑ conjunct. Uranus/Neptune
⬆️Rising/ASC: Scorpio ♏
👁️12th House: Pluto in Scorpio 🐦‍🔥 conjunct. Asc
➕Grand Cross 🐦‍🔥 (Fixed): ♏♉♌♒ Horizontal-Pluto(Scorpio)/Mars(Taurus) Vertical-Mercury(Leo MC)/Saturn(Aquarius) Self Mastery is 🔑
💬 Motto: "Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor", "I have seen as much beauty in the dark as I have seen horrors in the light"
🪶Spiritual Path: Heart based mystic 💚(experiential), Bhakti Yoga 🙏🏻 (Devotion), Vipassana🧘🏻‍♂️, Esoteric study ✝️✡️☪️🕉️ (All religions with strong leanings towards mystic traditions i.e. Christian Mysticism, Kabbalah, Sufism), I AM that I AM, Knight of the Rose (Healing the Divine Feminine), Microcosm of the Macrocosm, Rosae Crucis, Eternal student, Guide, Teacher
👻Soul Origin: Lyra 🦁, Andromeda 💫💖

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