Aus Breakdancer at 2024 Olympics with backing music

7 months ago

Lots of discussion out there, about the Australian Breakdancing representative at the 2024 Olympics.
Some saying it's ... 'kinda like when a 7 yr old shows you their dance moves'
But what about her actual profession.
She attended Macquarie University for her bachelor's degree in contemporary music, graduating in 2009, and for her PhD in cultural studies, graduating in 2017.
Her PhD thesis focused on "the intersection of gender and Sydney's breaking culture". What the ???
She is a lecturer at Macquarie University in the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature.
Her publications include:
1. The ‘systems of relay’ in doing cultural studies: experimenting with the ‘Body without Organs’ in b-girling practice
2. Nocturnal Paradox: How Breakdancing Reveals the Potentials of the Night
3. Where the #bgirls a t? politics of (in)visibility in breaking culture

Nothing against break dancing by the way.
By all means ... it’s a fair recreational activity & looks like fun , but that’s it.
It shouldn’t be subsidized.
It is fair to say Australian taxpayers should not be subsidizing Universities to study or teach breakdancing.

It also begs the question - just how many obscure and pointless courses do Universities offer that are subsidized by the taxpayer.
It also goes to show just because you have a PhD in something does NOT mean you are any good at it.

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