Former YouTube CEO Dies of Turbo Cancer After De-Platforming Millions for “Medical Misinformation”

5 months ago

As Ed Dowd said the other day, "If you're a billionaire and you didn't get the memo not to take the vaccine, you're not in 'The Club'...I've heard, word-of-mouth, some people you would be shocked, didn't get the memo."

Sadly, it seems 25-year Google/Alphabet insider and YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki might have been one of those billionaires who "didn't get the memo".

Dr William Makis, MD, who has become an expert in managing the vaccine damage caused by the US Government's genocide program (

And who has devised and tested a Fenbendazole protocol for reversing the "Turbo Cancers" caused by jab (

...had these comments about the late YouTube CEO:

"Susan Wojcicki was a Deep State Operative who was responsible for unprecedented censorship that led to countless unnecessary deaths.

"It is somewhat unusual to die of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer after only 2 years.

"If she took COVID-19 Vaccines, this would certainly be suspicious for a Turbo Cancer as Lung Cancers are in the top 5 most common Turbo Cancers, although it is hard to believe that a key Deep State operative would have taken any of the jabs themselves."

Longtime Canadian podcaster, Dan Dicks, who was one of the millions de-platformed by Wojcicki had this to say:

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