Wait a Min? So next week's New Episode of Wonderful Precure will Finnally Have Main Villians???

7 months ago

Wait a Min? So next week's New Episode of Wonderful Precure will Finnally Have Main Villians???

Ok,so lets hold the Phone here for just a sec and back up here just for a Min for a serious examinaton here!............so judging from this preview for next week's upcoming new episode........So let me get this Straight..........so not only will Niko-San Finnally hatch out of her Egg next week,but........After 28 episodes of this disaster of a Season so far,that Wonderful Pretty Cure is finnally gonna introduce the main Generals?????

uhhhhhhhhhhh.....I'm for lost for words,I could just say......Better late than never huh????

BUT NO!!!! JUST NOOOOO.........I can not give this a pass one bit,because of the fact that it took Toei Animation this God damn long for this god awful Trainwreck disaster of a Season to finnally introduce the Actual Main Antagonist/Generals???? (A Key Staple thats always been a main plot point in not just in Old School Golden Age Precure,but in Old School Magical girl/Shoujo shows in general like Tokyo mew Mew and Fushigi Yuugi?????)

for that matter,isn't having main villians a basic key staple in American Action Cartoons in general??????

Let me put it this Way,it's like having G.I. Joe,but with no Cobra Organization to fight,or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles without Shredder or any of his Foot Clan to fight against,or Bucky'O Hare with no Wars with the Toads to fight against!! or how about this? Imagine an entire episode of "Rainbow Brite" but without any villians like Murky and Lurky or the Dark Princess for her to fight against!

Nope,won't work won't it?.lol

again,there is no excuse at all for this.......let me see if i've gotten this 100% Straight here.......after 28 episodes of Nonsensical Fillers that "Went No Where"........it took you guys this long to finnally introduce the Main Villians/Generals in this season??????

Are you shitting me Here?????? uh yeah....Im sorry Toei Animation,you guys had your chance and......BLEW IT.......how do they expect Komugi and Iroha to fight these villians with all that "Chase N Hug" Shannanigans Nonsense huh????

If these villians have they're own unique style of fighting and summoning monsters,than yeah,this shit's not gonna cut it for Komugi/Cure Wonderful and Iroha/Cure Friendly..........better step up your game you two,because your "OH NO,lets not hurt the POOR ANIMALS" motivation Speech,ain't gonna work on these guys!

Again,Sorry Toei,but we're now in the 2nd Half which we're almost towards the Endgame portions soon,which we're about to introduce the 5th cure on the team,nothing can save this Trainwreck at this Point,which is too late,because this season already fell off the Express Rails!

looking at these comments here on these 2 videos though.lol



yeah,can you seriously blame the hardcore fans on rage quitting this season??

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