Stock Tip Straight from Nancy Pelosi

5 months ago

Say What? Nancy Pelosi’s Net Worth is $171.4M in 2021.

I served as a local commissioner, and my net worth isn’t anywhere close to that ballpark. We aren’t even playing in the same field.

According to Newsweek, Pelosi departed considerably wealthier than when she began in 2019, but this was not her first dip into the ice cream fountain. She served 2007 - 2011. Most people never get a chance to be a Speaker of the House. What are the odds of being it TWICE? And to be able to balance her fiduciary duty to the congressional corporation over, I mean and, the responsibility of safeguarding the interest of the people. There really isn’t any need to mince words here. She is a sworn officer of the congressional corporation, the de facto jurisdiction. Thus she has been paid handsomely for her performance. I would recommend buying stocks that she purchases. She’s clearly an astute investor and exhibits exceptional market efficiency.

Nancy’s stock portfolio:

If you haven’t fallen out of your chair. Take a look at J.D. Vance’s portfolio:

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