Should Power Come With Accountability #power #accountability #responsibility

6 months ago

In today’s video we discuss an article written by hoe_math on X. This article was a well written discussion about how there has been a disconnect in the amount of power granted to women in society and the accountability that SHOULD come with it. This lack of accountability and merit when it comes to people gaining access to positions of power.
Society has really started to grant WAY too much access and power to people based on things like “victim status” or “level of oppression” in the past instead of the time-tested merit that absolutely should be used.
Not earning something and being granted it typically results in people NOT appreciating it and abusing it. When you have to work for something and earn it, you tend to respect it MORE.
What are your thoughts about this article? Do you think that there are good points made in it? Do you completely disagree with it? Lets discuss in the Discord!!!

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