Working On Natural Therapies To Prevent Cancers

7 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

Audio Book: The well known basketball player Magic Johnson had recently tested seropositive for HIV, meaning he had an antibody to the virus. This was front page news a week earlier. The main question I was asked during my thesis defense was: based on my research, would Magic Johnson die of AIDS? I showed my data that demonstrated if he started the anti-retroviral therapy early, maybe peptide T or interferon alpha, and kept the inflammatory cytokines suppressed, keeping the virus latent in the monocyte macrophage and thus prevent death of the CD4 Tcells. Magic would never develop AIDS, much less die of it.

Dr Judy Mikovits: Please note that I did not say AZT. I said natural therapies, interferon alpha, peptide T, the same things we're saying right now! No more injections! Nutrients! Nutrients. That's all it took. Magic Johnson never got AIDS. Not because he took drugs, not because he took their antiretroviral therapies, but because they never injected him again.
Remember, the 2016 paper, if you inject any standard vaccine, AIDS Research and Human Retrovirus into anybody who is HIV positive, whether they are on drugs or not, that is highly active antiretroviral therapy, they will still express M R N A of H I V. Any shot, any injection! All we're doing to cure covid and cancers is the same thing. It's the same target. They just named it a different name.
Keep your immune system strong, get nutrients in your food, get peptide T, and other things we're working on. We'll get our suramins, our Zurimectins, our ivermectins, our purenergic modulators, our mTOR modulators, peptide T and Type 1 Alpha interferon, and we will truly prevent cancer associated with these chimeras, these synthetic viruses and poisons that they've been doing since 1934.

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