Live Chat with Paul; -201- Alien Encounters Finale Ep7 review + UFO vids and Analysis + UFO Topics

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#UAP #UAPS #alien #encounters
note! Its longer then normal as lost 30min with outage midway
and resumes ok. so use the skip times as needed! also this is chapters from YT version thats 15min records in the outage so 2:22 abouts -15m of the times for rumble!

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! More UFO vids to look over + Alien Encounters fact or fiction
Final episode Ep7 reviewed and UFO topics and Drama weekly update
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits twitter is still down but no biggy its the worse stream code
Paul says reading their help file it could be false copyright claim on me
but I got no emails on it if did!
[00:07:00] (1d) Googlag censorship amping up
[00:12:51] (2) Main Topic Begins - Mick West is Wrong! Got the laser beam
case totally wrong being light pillar when it was clearly Skinwalker Ranch
[00:15:00] (2b) Just as Paul was talking about Mick being a Baby
blocking people that call him names. OBS drops connection
Paul wonders if been hacked somehow or USB fault or worse happening?
[00:31:10] (3) Mick attacks MUFONs Copyright on submissions
which I and Mojo raised years ago
[00:40:47] (4) Harzan court update
[00:42:28] (5) NASA Starliner in trouble with hatch due to Beoing part
[00:48:00] (6) Zondo on TOE - I knew Curt couldnt survive without UFO watchers
[01:05:58] (7) Elon questions the comment its hard to test if male or female
[01:08:48] (8) TR3b or jet or RC?
[01:25:20] (9) the biggest blackholes
[01:30:40] (10) Greenstreet outing Walz as stolen Valor
[01:34:00] (11) Elon pointing out how crazy UK has gotten over
censorship and freedom of speech
[01:38:00] (12) Fake News and Fake AI images of crowds at rallies
[01:40:00] (13) Grusch court case on sheriff not going well
[01:45:00] (14) Triangle Transmedium Drone .. Paul says why cant scale it up
Lureviews using it for example for 2004 is so wrong.
[01:53:00] (15) Mars Soil and Rocks the real coloring
[01:58:00] (16) Orange Orbs and a video of dots (Not Joe)
[02:14:00] (17) Tom DeLonge post
[02:18:50] (18) Another Green UFO video but something happens
and Paul loses the video on page only for PC to glitch badly
maybe Hardware fault? Mib strike again!
[02:23:00] (19) PC now a crawl, Paul waits or tries to recover
but fails.. and only way was to hold power key down and reboot
so you might want to skip a chunk here!
[02:43:00] (20) Paul upgraded OBS and starts streaming again
but Pilled dropped off leaving YT and Rymble hanging for a little while
Paul thinks of reducing overclocking speed or increase voltage
just incase CPU has aged and having issues now!
[03:00:00] (21) Paul queues new Pilled for resuming there and
gets rumble back up and all things setup again and resume
the rest of todays TOPICS
[03:01:45] (22) Example of a reflection on window that scales
up the distant reflection and makes false image like a ghost
or shadow person
[03:05:31] (23) Alien Encounters Fact or Fiction. FInal Episode 7
3 cases reviewed! 1st - thermal cam portal 2nd-Chinese Lanterns?
3rd-Pure AL from crash site allegedly
[03:39:40] (23b) Paul busts the idea Pure AL is not used on planes
space and cars, with research info found.
[03:44:00] (23c) 1050 AL is used on panels on cars! and is 99.5% Pure still
and Paul looks up details on Needles 2008 UFO to find Chinoks
took away the downed craft said to be more likely experimental Drone
[03:59:00] (24) Paul has a bit of a laugh at a reader voice used in the past
[04:14:00] (25) Gamma Rays Facts - from space, rocks and Radon gas and mess up electronics
[04:21:00] (26) Look at various submissions on reddit subs and see if can solve

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps..

All Links
our website is listed there

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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