7 months ago

I have not review most of these videos*, although I might have skipped through a few. So, opinions expressed may not agree with my views. We are all trying to filter through information and figure out what is true, false or mixed. No one is nor can be a true know-it-all. Only Yah / God and the hosts of Heaven knows.
Disclosurehub ( These 3 are all related to the same topic; LEGALITY )
Sovereignty and Authority: A Telling Encounter at a DUI Checkpoint
SC - Traffic Stop Breakdown #1
SC - Traffic Stop Breakdown #2 (Longer Version)
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS & THE LEGAL PROCESS ( be your own lawyer )
< www.HowToWinInCourt.com/?refercode=HK0058 >
Honorary Legal Degree!!! $249
Examples of cases won: Mortgage, Property Tax, Trespass, Vaccine Exemption
ALSO A Warrior Calls 🇨🇦 [ https://rumble.com/c/c-443257 ]
Q Proof: The Hunter Biden Gun Trial - Future Proves Past
Commentary on The Trump Assassination with Dr Scott Young
(Includes Derek Johnson tweet, pre-event CNN post + more)
It is my understanding that this was the first DJT rally that CNN
had covered. I make this statment after leaving an inquiry comment on a popular rumble channel, asking how many of the
main flow media new outlet sources were present for this event,
subsequently being deleted by someone, supposedly the “owner”
of the channel itself. *↖
🏆J6: A True Timeline (FULL DOCUMENTARY 2024)
🚨Redacted News
NATO will enforce LOCKDOWNS and VACCINE mandates!
[ https://rumble.com/v5achxd-hang-on-nato-will-now-enforce-lockdowns-and-vaccine-mandates-redacted-w-cla.html ]
((( mark of the beast ))) 🐉
Disruptive Technology And System Transition Coming
[ https://rumble.com/v5a4mkh--aug-7-2024-juan-o-savin-w-nino-disruptive-technology-and-system-transition.html ]
Prickly Pear 🌵 (non-rumble article)
Raskin: Disqualify Trump & Civil War
Man in America
Q&A w/ Dr. Ardis: Nicotine, Ozempic, Bird Flu & More

As previously stated in the description of a GET2IT! video,
around July 31-Aug.01 INTEL started to “leak”(purposely)
that forces were/are being activated for an event in 2 weeks.
( Coming from both reliable and suspect sources! )
Please, be careful, DO NOT fall for any calls to arms in reaction
to any false flag event. Be prepared to protect and defend your
home, family and local proximity neighborhood, if necessary,
now and at all times.
Ongoing events around the world are not being well reported.
As prophesied by our Messiah and King, all of the nations are
in turmoil. Protests,Riots, Revolutions, or Wars and rumors of wars.
I have a sneaky feeling they are going to use 5G to kill off most of
the VAXXED around October, again declaring this to BE the disease. We may see birds [poisoned] drop from the sky, as well as
other animals, as already seen [claimed to be infected] killed off.
I’ve been having many weird dreams, including those with holographic UFOs.
Reasons: 2012 Aztec Calendar/Stone (indicated)+12 =2024
Our Solar System has reached its closest position to the galactic core. (see Watchers.News) Clif High calls it the “M9 point”.
[ https://rumble.com/v4vajff-clif-high-sun-earth-and-inner-planets-just-crossed-the-m9-point.html ]
Our Sun is in an upheaval change and weather on all planets is
Earth’s electromagnetic radiation shield is rapidly weakening,
which means our planet may soon wobble, as indicated by …
the Polar Axis or “north pole” is migrating quickly.
More solar and cosmic rays / energy particles are pouring into
our planet (surface and atmosphere).

Reference Matthew 24, realizing it parallels Revelation 6.
As an eschatologist, it is my opinion that we are at and entering
deeper into the 4th Horseman period and about to experience
the 6th Seal. (The 5th being a heavenly interlude.)
The 6th seems to show that Yah’s day of WRATH has come.
This is not the case, as it clearly occurs later (Grape Harvest).
Instead, an event causes many to run up and onto high hills
and mountains for survival. In other words, a vast majority
then “awaken” to realize that the WRATH (end of this system)
is coming and imminent. Next, the 7th Seal and 7 Shofars trumpet.
( The first interlude possibly and probably relates to silence in Heaven. Rev.8)
( Note how the 5th Seal and Rev.7 continue one interlude.)
( 6th Seal is a wake up disruption. )
Once the 1st Shofar trumpets, this begins a 42 month countdown
of the final period of great distress / TRIBULATION, by which the
2 WITNESSES (2 factions of Messianic “Jews” and “Christians”)
begin prophesying in Israel, ultimately silenced by death in Jerusalem, just a few days before the 7th Shofar trumpets.
When they arise to life, this is the 1st resurrection, soon followed
by the RAPTURE. Faithful believers will NOT suffer the WRATH,
which is the bloody Grape Harvest, along with the 7 Censures.
Faithful believers are already gone and with Messiah, after that
1st Harvest (Resurrection & Rapture) of ripe/white barely wheat.

No human truly understands EXACTLY what is going to happen.
Revelations only gives us a summary outline of major events as
signs to watch for, follow and know that Yah is in control.
Example: 1st Shofar = 1/3 of Earth scorched / burned.
It is not wise practice to predict how that will come about, or what
will cause this event. It might be instant or might take a little time.
Possibilities range from NUCLEAR to SOLAR CME and DROUGHT.
Those who interject their own perceived CAUSAL outcome are
adding to the Word of THE Word.

Understand, when I refer to Yah (short form of God’s holy name),
I am referring to both the Father and the Son.
I have offered this teaching before, so won’t go into detail.
The Father’s holy spirit resides embodied with the first Light.
The Light resides within the Father Universe and Creator.
Yes, just as we all do and everything does reside within “GOD”.
The goal is to allow that spirit of Love to reside within us.
It is that which extends from the Father, through the Son,
offered to us, the Light of Life, Truth and the Pathway.

Children, the time is very near and the hour very late.
There is not much time left remaining.
That day of Messiah’s triumphant victory and return
will come suddenly, like a thief in the night.
He shall reveal himself as quickly as a flash of lightning!
Therefore, do not believe your Savior for salvation is over here nor
over there. Many will come teaching and preaching in his name
such predictions, as if divinely guided prophesy. Many false
saviors and false prophets! NO ONE can save you from death’s
grip, except for YAH! ✝️Acts 4:12

The Father’s vessel communicates with us through his Son.
What the Father’s tells him he speaks and does.
This is why he is THE Word and what THE Word is and how
the Father speaks to us, he always has throughout the HIS STORY
of all ages. If he “helper” Holy Spirit ever speaks to you, you will
know it without doubt. It will be a thought / concept that does not
originate from within your own mind.
Best I am able to describe it is to say that it is, again, like a flash of
lightning, yet gently soft as a feather and unfolds like a flower bud in Spring quickly opens.

I love rain and water!
Think about it. Two invisible, intangible gases (a duality, with
three portions (H2+O1) become ONE element, both tangible
and visible. This is much like how spirits become angels, the
unseen and seen, respectively. Vapor to Liquid, near solid.
The great crowd in Heaven is also referred to as a great cloud!
Thinking of lightning, gentile rain, a spring storm and a flower
unfolding beneath the sunlight, where surely their is a rainbow,
made me think of telling you this much more.
We are going through a GREAT and dark STORM.
There it SunLight at the end, for us that will choose to and see it!

As above, so below, in reverse mirror image.
Yah evolved; Spirt + Light Embodiment = Soul
We created; Fleshly Body + Spirit = Soul

Now that we have been given form as vessels of spirit,
we can reverse that process by choosing to allow God
the will to do so for us. Yet we must choose by our will.

We are tiny fragments of light, belonging to ONE Light.
If we see and remain in the Light, we can go return to that Light.
If we remain in darkness, we cannot join to that Light.

This is the meaning of divine vs. demonic.
To be divine is to remain joined with, to and by Yah.
To be demonic is to be divided and separated from Yah.

I pray you are or do so, just as I beg for your prayers.
“Blessed are/be those POOR IN SPIRIT”
This literally means BEGGARS for the Holy Spirit!

When our soul dies, our body return to the earthly elements
and our spirit to the GREAT SPIRIT, so we rest in sleep, as we did
before our earthen conception and birth.
We await a rebirth, by resurrection or rapture of the remnant.

Love, Faith, Truth.
Love is the only cause and sustainer of life. All that is good.
Faith is a knowing, above and beyond mere belief. Not hope.
Truth is what truly is and nothing more nor less. Unchangeable.

Always hold onto hope. But when all hope seem lost or is gone,
then cling to Faith!

Amen 🤲🏼
NUMBERS 6:24-26

Ωmega Knigh†s 𐂅
(( John 10:16 ))

There is no other nor smaller flock than that of Messianic Hebrews,
surrounded by the “house divided” Christian denominations….
or demon nations, and other religions. (Luke 12:32)

< https://mailchi.mp/a5e41bd2e5ad/iri-bulletin-august-2024?e=a6f7962f97 >

Cody Hawk _ Privacy X
I have been in constant contact with 3 sources I have in the UK and they all tell me the same thing, the government wants the locals to fight back so they can jail them all under the domestic terror laws. They are creating camps in the UK, and CANADA is creating camps in the Yukon that can house up to 3 million Canadians that do not fully submit to the Canadian government. The UK and Canada will have to decide, how long are you going to allow the 15% rule the other 85% with these crazy laws that EVERYONE hates? Yes, YOU PAY FOR IN TAXES! It's literally the definition of insanity. 
The UK is so desperate that the "Prime minister" blamed 4 influencers for misinformation that started the "riots" INCLUDING, ANDREW TATE! 
Here is what will happen next. 
The UK will roll out a new AI for social profiles for ALL UK citizens that comply with Muslim law. Meaning Muslims will be blurred out for religious reasons. 
Keep in mind:
Christianity 2.365 billion - 30.74%
Islam 1.907 billion - 24.9%
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.193 billion - 15.58%
Hinduism 1.152 billion - 15.1%
We may fight and disagree but the real issue is the politics, not the religion on the issues that are important. We need LESS fighting and MORE discussion.
Politicians want NOTHING but fighting and division. I was once told by a high ranking person in the federal government that mandate one is in fighting and division. This is the recipe for war and control which leads to MONEY. That's ALL they actually care about. 
I have said it time and time again, the system is working PERFECT. This is human nature, the few have ALWAYS exploited the many.
It's on you to take action. "Voting" does nothing big picture. Birds have two wings just like politicians. One is worthless without the other. The other side of the same bird, is just the other side of the bird. False hope and gas lighting is all voting will get you. I'm not saying don't vote. I'm just saying don't count on your vote to save you, it won't.
Things to think about:
Do you have a second passport? 
(If you have to leave the country you live in, you may need one depending on geo politics and where your passport is from. The more passports the better is my motto) Not 100% necessary for all people, but a thought. 
Do you have cash on hand?
(The more the better is what I say, banks will be doing bail in's in 2025, already planned with the recession) ALL major currencies. Will not affect business accounts provided you are not set up as a sole propriety or pass through LLC, those will also be affected. (Large companies over $5 million, Ghost businesses, Asset protection corps and trusts will not be affected.) Regular small business not set up proper will. They will take 10% - 30% of total account balances of all accounts depending on what country you live in. Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand are the highest and in some EXTREME cases can take up to 49%. 
Do you have Crypto in a ghost business/trust?
(ALL OTHER CRYPTO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU LEGALLY AND CRIMINALLY if you cash out in your name once framework is enacted next year.)
Do you have privacy coins like Monero?
Do you have REAL Gold and/Or Silver?
Do you have a Satellite phone, and/or burner phone (video coming soon)?
ALL towers will be down world wide when the CRASH happens. It will be short term. The Grey pope is preparing for the flash crash. 40%-60% of all stocks and bonds gone in the blink of an eye. This will be a monetary reset of 2025. Trump winning or losing has nothing to do with this. The crash of stocks is a guarantee. You saw what happened the other day with just the USA selling some Bitcoin combined with some risky positions in Japan mixed with a few over leveraged firms. RED, RED, RED, and all sites "suspended trading" for the little guy.  Dow, 1,000 points in the blink of an eye. That's nothing. What until the number has a fourth zero and it happens in one day, not $3-$4 Trillion gone in a day. Try $20 Trillion gone in a day, $30 Trillion gone in a day. 
Do you have a solar generator to run tech short term? 
I use Bluetti, it works great, many other great options. I also have solar on a larger scale if needed. 
For small things, solar battery pack works. 
Do you have a  crypto exit strategy? 
Do you have a term life or asset broker loan account for tax free assets in a business structure? 
These are some questions you should ask yourself. I'm not saying all of you need these things. I'm also not saying all of you don't.
I know many rich men, many poor men and many men in the middle. I have been POOR and I have been WELL OFF. (I hate the word "rich" I also don't consider someone rich unless they have over $100 Million. I'm just not quite there, yet. The BULL is coming. 
I will tell you from experience. If I had nothing but the things I mentioned above, I would be better off than 99% of humanity, so don't stress, act. You don't have endless time, but you do still have time. You are NOT running out of time, but you are out of time to sit on your hands on the sidelines. 
Do you wait for a government to save you, this is how you die!
Ok, you probably won't die, I hope, but you will be a Matrix slave the rest of your life!?!
I leave you this week with two questions. One, do you have everything I asked above? Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe your working on it. Maybe you don't need all of it. Do what's best for you, no one else. These are just questions after all. Only you know the right answer for you. 
Last but not least think about this, this fine weekend.
What are you wiling to do to escape the matrix that is closing in on you? Knowing the CBDC, Social credit scores, and the end of freedom as you know it is coming as we speak in 2025. What lengths are you willing to go to, what cost, what effort, what action will you take to save your family and the people you care about knowing that if you don't take action soon, it will be too late?
Are you currently taking that level of action? If not, WHY?  
MY NOTE: What I am hearing is that banking A.l. social scoring is going to be presented and "passed" in September and implemented in early February 2025,

< www.CSPOA.org >
< UTT / www.UnderstandingTheThreat.com >
< https://bondsforthewin.com >
www.affidavitwarriors.com >
< https://tacticalcivics.com >
< www.secretcivics.com > 🧧

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