The Transcontinental Triangulation and the American Arc of the Parallel

6 months ago

The Transcontinental Triangulation and the
American Arc of the Parallel
#1 Proof that Geodetic Surveys Prove the Earth is a Globe

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11:00:00 ish

According to the American arc of the parallel, corrections for the geodetic-geodesic system, including spherical longitude and latitude, have already been applied. Historical documents detail these corrections, which discard any values suggesting an incorrect radius unless the spheroid model is adjusted. Astronomic and geodetic amplitude corrections integrate astronomical data into geodetic measurements, requiring adjustments to fit specific curvature arcs. Ultimately, aligning planar data with a spherical model involves significant corrections. The larger the discrepancies, the more curvature is "found" in calculations, highlighting the necessity of an ellipsoid model for these 'measurements'. IF they were truly measuring a sphere, there would be no need for a reference ellipsoid. This dependency should raise both your eyebrows about the complexity of geodetic surveying.

Ken [00:00:00]
Shane was going to be able to talk. But yeah, I was glad to see Eli show up too, because that's another one. And, uh, new perspective down here. I like hearing him too.

Shane [00:00:11]
We could crush, like, everything Plains, geodetic surveying all at once.

Ken [00:00:22]
Well, I definitely I have some of the basics down from watching the video with you, with the surveyor and hearing you talk. And you know, I have somebody come in here and tell me that geodetic surveyors are going out and taking measurements for the geodetic survey. Goes against everything I've heard.

Shane [00:00:41]
Yeah, no, that's just what people on the internet chant, right. If you read the actual American arc of the parallel posted on, it starts with page 44 telling you right away the corrections for this geodetic geodesic system for the spherical long lat have already been applied on what you're looking at. So right off the bat pre corrected pre corrected to what well says for this time. It says on page 18 for the first time corrections have been introduced for the variations of latitude. So latitude spherical coordinate system induced corrections right off the bat. Again that's 1897. But the next very next page it goes through tables. Right. And it says after rejecting all values that would give purport to a radius greater than 8in/mi² get thrown out. And then it says preliminary latitudes for the whole arc, then get thrown out above. So that gives you a range with which they accept. And anything that doesn't match this proposed radius gets thrown out. Unless, of course, you change the whole spheroid model for a smaller radius, and then you do throw it out and then those do you throw out the whole next batch, but then you get that. Page 838.

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