Illés ) Add a kezed ) 1972

7 months ago

You are listening to the genuine Hi-Fi stereo sound transferred from the actual vinyl record in the best possible quality.

Add a kezed is the 5th studio album by Hungarian rock/beat band Illés, released in 1972 on Pepita in Hungary. Illés was one of the biggest groups of the 1960s and early 1970s rock boom in Hungary. The band is often compared to the Beatles as regards the time period of its activity, its artistic and cultural influence and continuing popularity.

🔘 Side 1:
Kislány, Add A Kezed
A Tanárnő
Good Bye London

🔘 Side 2:
Nehéz Várni
A Szó Veszélyes Fegyver
Nekem Oly Mindegy
Emlék M.-nek

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