if i remember this i won't get so pissed that i'm not where i wanna be

6 months ago

believe it or not i no longer live in conspiracy ville anymore
you haven't seen what i used to be
i can't fault you for yer lack of knowledge of whatever is off the camera
a buncha boomers filling up gas cans CLASSIC behavior
how much energy are you expending on things that are a waste of yer time
i don't need additional reasons to be obsessive compulsive
it was sumin that i had to get used to
i knew this shit wasn't going anywhere haha
somebody lost a tire, so sad
maybe you're just supposed to be in this particular state
everything has a time n place
don't depress me damnit, be better IT'S ALL ABOUT ME
man that was a confusing statement
equality would never be achieved n the powers at be know this
you can't ensure that everything will be fair
i used to have a way shittier perspective
i did the right drugs (not the ones that they prescribed mind ya)
that was an alternative note
ag is the slowest poke on the interstate
i can explain the victim mentality better than those that are paid to explain it

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