8/10/24 travail for Israel. ❤️

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Deep Travail for the Nation of Israel
August 10, 2024 Veronika West

I want to share something powerful that occurred recently involving my son, Caleb.
While he was out for a run a few days ago, he came across an Israeli Flag that had been badly torn and was laying in the mud after a heavy downpour.
The Flag had been blown and ripped off one of the roadside poles during the storm the previous night.
When Caleb initially saw the Flag, he said that he never thought much of it, other than it was a very dirty and ripped Flag — so he kept running!
But about a mile on, Caleb said that The Holy Spirit began to speak powerfully to his heart and told him to please run back and to pick up the Flag and to bring it home.
Caleb expressed to me that The Holy Spirit totally overwhelmed his heart in that moment, and so he stopped, turned back and ran as fast as he could back to where the dirty, torn Flag was laying in the mud.
He shared that as he picked up the Flag, an overwhelming sense of The Father’s Love washed over him.
He brought that Flag home and we washed it, dried it, and The LORD instructed me to take it into my Prayer Hut in the morning when I pray.

The following morning as I went early into my wee Prayer Hut, the Flag was laying on my chair, and The Holy Spirit immediately spoke to my heart and told me to use it as a Prayer Covering.
As I put it over my head, The Spirit of Deep Travail for The Nation of Israel came upon me — and has not left me since!
Today, in my Prayer Hut, again, as I covered my head with the torn Flag, a Deep Travail for the Nation of Israel came over me.
This Month of August 2024 was shown to me recently by The Holy Spirit as a Month of Awe/Aghast — and again early this morning as I began to intercede.
I heard the Sound of War Drums over The Nations, and over The Nation of Israel, when suddenly I heard a loud Trumpet Sound, and a Clear Clarion Call to Pray for The Nation of Israel and for The Nations came upon me.

I saw again that the Books have been opened and Nations are now being weighed in the Balance!
Two days ago I had a repetitive phrase, “Trains… Planes and Automobiles”…when The Holy Spirit spoke about coordinated Terror Attacks being planned over the next three months….
So, let us stay sober vigilant and praying without ceasing!
I hear The Spirit say, “Listen — for I AM speaking through creation in this hour — for My Voice of justice and judgement shall speak through the groanings of creation in the coming days over The Nations!
Watch and listen — as My Voice thunders — for the earth shall shake and quake and the waters of the seas shall rise and roar declaring that war is at the door!”
See related HKP Words:
1: “Urgent: War is at the Door!“

All day I have heard these Words in The Realm of The Spirit: ”Watch and Pray — for War is at the door!
Again I say, War is at the door!
And its a War that will bring Nations to their knees!“
See Two Recent Prophetic Words;
“Prophetic Warning: “Awe & Aghast” — August!“
July 29, 2024
“I just posted this to the IDH War Room.
Watchmen — Please Pray!
I have a sense something Major is about to happen that will cause Shock Waves across The Nations.
Please Pray!
I apologise, I can’t give more, but “Pray — Pray in The Spirit!”
Our Prayers will not stop it… but will minimise what is coming!
Brace for impact!
This afternoon I suddenly heard the Word, ”August!”
Then I saw this word: ”Aghast!” and I felt an urgency to pray fervently.
As I began to pray in The Spirit, I heard, ”Awe and Aghast!”
I submit that as we transition into the 8th Month.
Nations will stand in Awe and Aghast, at what shall take place in the days ahead.
Watch, Pray and Stay Vigilant!
Meaning of Aghast : To be filled with horror or shock…!!
Meaning of Awe : A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.”
* * * * * * *
“Get Ready — for the Giant is Now Waking!“
August 1, 2024.
“I heard these Words, ”Don’t be Alarmed or Moved by what is coming — but stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the coming days!”
So, last night The LORD had me praying without ceasing. There is no time for the luxury of Sleep when Nations are about to be Shaken Wide Awake!
I was shown last night the Hand of God lifting off certain Nations for a Time — as Nations have now entered into a Season of Divine Sifting — Shifting and Separation.
God is making a Divine Distinction!
I hear the Spirit say, ”Have I not said that this is a Time and a Sign that Nations have now come into a Second Exodus — and a Second Circumcision?
Watch! As Righteous Judgments shake certain Nations, and swift and severe Course Corrections shift and realign others.
For boundaries lines will be rearranged and borders will be reordered.”
All night, I kept hearing these words, ”Don’t be Alarmed or Moved by what is coming — but stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the coming days!
Watch for the Weight of My Glory is now Invading — for Nations in the Valley of Decision will now begin to come under the Weight of My Glory.
See! For the foundations of Nations are being inspected and the fruits are being tested.
Surely I tell you, I shall not be mocked — but Nations shall be brought to their knees in great humility — for I tell you, the Books have been opened and Nations weighed in the Balance have been found wanting.
I say — Revolution! — Resurgence! And even Sudden Replacements shall dominate the headlines in the coming days, for greater uprising and violent Riots shall continue to take place in your streets as the sleeping Giant wakes from its deep sleep.
So I say again — Brace! Brace! For the greater Shaking is now Birthing an even Greater Awakening in the Nations of the Earth.
For Behold — I AM doing a New Thing! Do you See it?” ”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

2: “Trains, Planes and Automobiles“

Trains, Planes and Automobiles
August 8, 2024 Veronika West
So all day I have heard these words going round and round in my Spirit — “Trains… Planes and Automobiles!”
This initially caught my attention, because it’s a Movie that I watched many years ago: “Planes, Trains & Automobiles“.

As I stopped and began to lean into the repetitive phrase, The Holy Spirit began to give me an Urgency in my Spirit to pray concerning coordinated Terror Attacks concerning Trains, Planes and Automobiles!
While the title of the Movie is in fact “Planes, Trains & Automobiles,” I believe The Holy Spirit is highlighting“TRAINS” — as it was the first Word in the phrase Ive kept hearing!
Furthermore, I submit this particular Movie speaks to something very specific that The LORD desires to highlight at this time (besides the obvious Trains, Planes and Automobiles….)
Could it be certain Names, Places and Timing?
God is never random and always speaks with layers of Prophetic Revelation and Insight!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronica West

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