Legs of Iron: NATO & BRICS in Mystery Form? PREVIEW

6 months ago

Episode 198: Legs of Iron - NATO & BRICS? PREVIEW

Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, dreamed of an image with a head of gold, breast of silver, belly, thighs of brass, and legs of iron. We know by interpretation that these represent four kingdoms: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The iron legs also represent the splitting of the Roman Empire into East and West, but could it manifest today in mystery form as NATO and BRICS? 

What the full episode at https://rumble.com/v5agdqi-legs-of-iron-nato-and-brics-in-mystery-form.html?mref=16qjrv&mc=czaqb or listen on your favorite podcast app - Bible Mysteries Podcast

This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast
Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Leslie High, Sarah Pegram, Stacy Smith, Donna DePalantino, and Sabrina Redner

North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
There are 32 member states in NATO
Three states have nuclear weapons: France, UK, USA
Several of the member states have had world empires and colonies worldwide at one point: UK, France, Spain, Netherlands, USA
They have broken other nations in pieces and bruised for hundreds of years


Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. BRICS is an intergovernmental organization originally identified to highlight investment opportunities. The grouping evolved into an actual geopolitical bloc. At one point, all but Brazil and UAE have had empires which broke in pieces

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.  

Daniel 2:31-35, Daniel 2:36-39, Daniel 2:40-43, Daniel 2:44-45, Daniel 7:2-8, Revelation 13:1-4, Matthew 12:25-26, Matthew 11:12-15, Matthew 13:10-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10, Revelation 17:12-14

We constantly say that the warfare we wage is a spiritual battle. While the powers of Satan seek to divide us (media, politics, racial division, climate alarmists, etc.), the fallen angels advance their agenda to deceive the world and bring about the antichrist. Israel is at the center of this conflict, as well as the rest of the Middle East. Don’t trust in news or politics! Only the Lord Jesus Christ can subdue the fourth dreadful kingdom.



https://internationalman.com/articles/the-deep-state/ (https://internationalman.com/articles/the-deep-state/)

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