Reality with Bruce de Torres 36 Matthew Ehret

6 months ago

Matthew Ehret is a journalist, co-founder of the, Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University of Moscow, and author of two book-series, THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF CANADA and THE CLASH OF THE TWO AMERICAS, and the article series, HOW TO SAVE A DYING REPUBLIC, which can be found at

We discussed the hidden history revealed at, the ongoing American Revolution – national sovereignty versus colonialism, exploitation, intentional impoverishment, the power of Alexander Hamilton’s American System of economics, what Russia and China are doing right, and the inspiring greatness of President John F. Kennedy.

The purpose and content of the Rising Tide Foundation and Canadian Patriot Review, run by Matt and his wife Cynthia Chung. They began with short documentaries based on their articles. (Now many resources, lectures, etc.)

New film (on YouTube channel: Canadian Patriot Press) is THE ARCTIC: Theater of War or Global Cooperation?, which shows a lot of little-known history, such as Russia helping the Union win the Civil War by sending fleets to San Francisco and to New York to prevent England and France from helping the Confederacy, and illuminates the battle between closed systems and open ones, empire’s colonialism – extracting from subject nations their natural resources and preventing them from industrializing and developing their domestic economy and independence – and national sovereignty, the goal of Hamilton’s American System of economics with its investment in roads and canals (infrastructure) to allow all parts of a nation to trade together, tariffs to encourage a nation to make and consume its own domestic products, and available credit to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

The oligarchs create conflicts and forever wars, and stupefy superstitious people, to maintain their presence in and abuse foreign lands.

Matt encountered this approach to history around 2006 while struggling with the question, “Why might we not be doomed?” He had been dealing with the indications that 9/11 was perpetrated by forces within the US government and wondered, if so, how did that relate to the murders of JFK and Martin Luther King and the Vietnam War?

Before long you realize that it’s all connected, even going back to the murder of Lincoln. There’s an agenda to enslave the world by a malevolent movement among a certain grouping within the elite that is very inbred, that maintains certain bloodlines. “It goes back a long time, and it got me very demoralized.”

He encountered the movement of Lyndon LaRouche in around 2006. Matt couldn’t find justification for the slurs against him (political cult, antisemite, fascist). Rather, LaRouche made a lot of enemies “in just the right places.” He had developed a method of analysis into both science and physical economics that had an appreciation for human nature, which is what the oligarchy is apparently trying to suppress (our divine, creative nature) as they try to keep us locked into a closed system of finite scarcity, which goes back before discussion of building rail through the Arctic and connecting Asia and North America through the Bering Straight and before the American Revolution.

For centuries, if not millennia, there’s been a fight between two paradigms that see human beings in two completely different universes. “One I think is truthful and the other one is based on a lie.” The oligarchy would like us to believe we are made in the image of a closed, dead, dying universe which requires some form of hereditary overlords to manage the human zoo as we fight with our fellow animals in this jungle.

And the other paradigm, which goes back to the ancient Greeks and Romans and earlier, is the idea that all people, no matter their birth or race, are made good, in the image of a living, loving, reasonable creator, and if you give babies that inspiration and the natural, healthy type of education associated with loving truth, reflecting on your own assumptions, thus developing humility, you develop people who are capable of true citizenhood; they become more sovereign, more capable of formulating insights, moral judgements into very big things and participating in shaping processes and ideals. (The American Revolutionaries, for all their human faults, had an inspiration and a commitment to that view of humanity.)

Sometimes America has come closer, and at other times has fallen away from, actualizing those ideals, which will always be true.

The true history of America’s growth using Hamilton’s economics inspires us with the idea that we have the same potential, humanity has the same potential, to be that smart, to be that good, to be that confident that things can work out.

Russia and China are doing some great things domestically and for and with other countries, using Hamilton’s principles, empowering other nations to develop and become more prosperous.

Why does America demonize Russia and China and ignore the good things they are doing? “We’re in full spectrum information warfare right now so … encountering anything positive from any mainstream outlet, left or right, or even alternative information outlets, about either Russia or China is very hard to come by. I would say almost impossible to come by.”

“Everybody’s got problems. And there’s corruption everywhere. There are deep state entities operating in every country. No one is crystalized as a pure country independent of this supranational financier oligarchy. However, some nations have done a better job at reviving their ancient moral traditions and have done a better job at resisting the influence of this foreign, depopulation-oriented entity and others have done a worse job at those things.”

How would Americans benefit by comprehending JFK’s greatness, the great things he was doing for America, for many nations and for the cause of world peace and prosperity? We discussed some of the amazing things Kennedy was doing to help America and all of the freedom-seeking nations of the world.

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