☆MUST WATCH ☆ The UK Kalergi Plan Replacement Theory 1984 Big Brother Take Over Done By, Ashkenazi Khazarian Nephilim Jews ✡️

6 months ago

UK has descended very sharply and very quickly into extreme and brutal ‘1984’ totalitarianism. And you can’t say you haven’t warned! The Covaids agenda put it all in place: the online monitoring, the biometric face recognition, the 24-hour surveillance, the tracking and tracing… A Khazarian/Nephilim extermination agenda COMING TO YOUR COUNTRY SOON!

The Jab Agenda: The Ashkenazi Khazarian Nephilim Jews

Watch: Operation Big Red Arrow
Watch: All Roads lead to Phrygia (Phrygian cap)

The Biggest Hoax Since 911

Trump Assassination Hoax

Operation Big Red Arrow 


Trump Psyop 


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