7 months ago

President Trump recently spoke about Hillary Clinton in the past tense at a press conference.

The obvious explanation is that he was speaking about when he ran against Hillary in the past, back in 2016.

Here is what he said:

“I would say that in terms of intelligence, Hillary WAS far superior.”

He was comparing running against Hillary vs running against Kamala, and the use of “was” seems accurate to me.

But then he continued to say:

“I would say that Hillary WAS smart. She WAS her own worst enemy in many ways, but she WAS smart, very smart.”

I understand to many people, it sounds completely normal to talk about her in the past tense each of those times.

It is my opinion that Trump purposely used WAS repeatedly, confirming to us that Hillary Clinton is no longer alive.

I know that sounds crazy to many people, but would you ever have thought we would have gone through everything we have gone through since 2020?

Between body doubles, realistic masks, as well as AI, it’s not difficult at all to keep someone in the public eye, even if they are no longer alive.

President Trump and the military had undeniable proof that Hillary Clinton committed Treason by spying on his 2016 campaign, and by having the fake dossier created to use against Trump.

Crimes like that do not go unpunished, but clearly the public was not ready to learn that due to the division in the country between liberals and conservatives, which was completely manufactured by the Democrats.

At the end of this video, there is footage of what appears to be Hillary Clinton’s arrest, as well as an image of her body double, who looks almost identical.

Again, I’m not saying that any of the above is factual, but it’s important to always think critically and to trust our own instincts, rather than just believe what we are told.

If the majority of people had been critically thinking and asking questions back in 2020, the Democrats wouldn’t have ever been able to steal the election.

Please watch this video with an open mind.

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