Al Gore: Once we reach true net zero, temperatures will stop rising

5 months ago

"According to the latest scientific models, once we reach true net zero, temperatures will stop rising, almost immediately with a lag time of as little as 3 to 5 years.
And according to the way many scientists interpret this data if we stay at true net zero, almost half of the human caused CO2 will fall out of the atmosphere in as little as 25 to 30 years into the upper ocean and the trees and vegetation. And that's only looking at CO2 emissions. If we also reduce methane emissions to near zero the planet will actually begin to cool back down. It is not hopeless. We can do this.
It is as if there is a switch we can flip to solve this crisis. But the switch is in our own determination to act. We have the solutions, we have the agency and we as human beings have the capacity to rise above our limitations, throw off our constraints, political economic and social and seize the opportunity for a better future that is right before us."

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