Episode #145: Genesis Lesson 2 W/Michael Ness

6 months ago

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So, this is part 2 in the series Michael Ness and I are doing about the Old Testament. Kind of like an Institute class. Now if you want to be able to see the classes that go along with this series reach out to me and I will get you the link so you can tune into those. They are on the first and second Tuesday of every month. Today Michael and I pick up shortly after Adam & Eve are expelled out of the garden and follow it all the way through to the murder of Abel by Cain. Now we dig through not only the scriptures of accepted cannon but also into several books of the apocrypha to give this account fuller context and greater understanding. Along the way we draw several interesting parallels to things happening in the world today as well a lot of clarification and food for thought will deepen your testimony of the Restored Gospel.

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