Unshaken Faith: A Prayer of Patience and Trust

1 month ago

Heavenly Father,

I come before You
with a heart full of faith,
even as I carry the weight
of unfulfilled desires.
Your word in Mark 11:24,
reminds me,
"Therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours."
Lord, I hold onto this promise
with unwavering trust.

Though my prayers
have not yet been answered,
I know that Your timing is perfect.
I believe that You hear
every whisper of my heart
and see every tear that falls.
I trust that You are working behind the scenes,
preparing something far greater
than I can imagine.

strengthen my faith in these moments of waiting.
Help me to remain steadfast and hopeful,
knowing that Your plans for me are good.
Fill my heart with peace and patience,
and let Your love be my comfort.

I surrender my desires to You, Lord,
and ask that You align them with Your will.
May Your purpose be fulfilled in my life,
and may I always find joy in Your presence.
Thank You for Your endless grace and mercy.

In Jesus's name,
I pray.


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