Episode 2504: Cry for Divine Companionship - Morning Episode

6 months ago

Welcome to today’s episode, where we delve into the profound spiritual insights of St. Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), St. Joseph, and the wisdom of Ecclesiastes. In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, these teachings offer us a roadmap for our spiritual journey, guiding us to trust in God’s providence, grow in divine love, and embrace the path He has set before us. Let us explore how we can walk with God, filled with holy joy, courage, and strength, as we navigate the road of life.
St. Benedicta of the Cross, also known as Edith Stein, was a woman who fully embraced the cross of Christ in her life. Her prayer, "O my God, fill my soul with holy joy, courage, and strength to serve You. Enkindle Your love in me and then walk with me along the next stretch of road before me," is a beautiful testament to her deep faith and trust in God.
This prayer is not just a plea for divine assistance; it is a recognition of the need for God’s presence in every moment of our lives. From a traditional Catholic perspective, this prayer reflects the soul’s desire to be united with God in all things, to draw strength and joy from His love, and to remain steadfast in the face of trials. St. Benedicta’s life was marked by great suffering, yet she found in that suffering a profound union with Christ. Her prayer teaches us that true courage and strength come from allowing God to fill our souls with His love and to guide us on our journey.
As we walk our own paths, we can draw inspiration from St. Benedicta’s prayer. We, too, are called to seek God’s presence, to allow His love to fill our hearts, and to trust that He walks with us, no matter what challenges lie ahead. This trust in God’s companionship gives us the courage to face whatever comes our way, knowing that we are not alone.
The Divine Love of St. Joseph: A Model for Our Love of God
Edward Healy Thompson’s reflection on the love of St. Joseph for Jesus provides us with a profound understanding of divine love. St. Joseph’s love for Jesus was not just a natural paternal love; it was a love that transcended human affection and entered into the realm of divine love. In loving Jesus, St. Joseph was loving God Himself, and this love grew and deepened throughout the years he spent with Jesus.
"Natural love is sufficient for earthly parents, but the love which [Joseph] bore to Jesus, as His appointed father, was not a mere human love, it was also a super eminently divine love; for, in loving his Son he was exercising the most perfect love of God; since He whom he called his Son was at the same time his God. As in creatures all is finite, so all is capable of increase. What, then, may we imagine, must have been the growth of this ardent love in the heart of our saint during the long period which he spent with Jesus! Those things which tend naturally to add to human love, in him ministered fresh fuel to the divine flame within him. The constant association with the Son of God made Man and given to him as his own Son, the serving Him and being served by Him for thirty years, and, we must add, their marvelous resemblance created a bond between them which was unequaled of its kind." —Edward Healy Thompson
For traditional Catholics, St. Joseph’s example is a powerful reminder of how our love for God should grow and develop over time. Just as St. Joseph’s love was constantly nourished by his daily interactions with Jesus, our love for God should be nurtured by our daily prayer, sacraments, and acts of charity. The more we immerse ourselves in the life of Christ, the more our love for Him will increase, becoming a divine love that reflects the love of God Himself.
St. Joseph’s love also teaches us the importance of serving God in our daily lives. His constant association with Jesus, serving Him and being served by Him, created a bond of love that was unequaled. We, too, can develop such a bond with God by dedicating our daily tasks, no matter how small, to His service. In doing so, we allow God’s love to transform our lives, just as it did for St. Joseph.
Trusting in God’s Eternal Plan: The Wisdom of Ecclesiastes
The passage from Ecclesiastes reminds us of the eternal nature of God’s works: "I know that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it; God has made it so, in order that men should fear before him. That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away." — Ecclesiastes 3:14
This passage calls us to trust in God’s providence, recognizing that His plan for us is perfect and unchanging.
From a traditional Catholic perspective, this wisdom invites us to surrender our own plans and desires to God’s will. Just as St. Benedicta trusted God to walk with her on the road before her, and St. Joseph allowed his love for Jesus to grow through his daily service, we are called to trust that God’s plan for our lives is good, even when we do not fully understand it.
This trust in God’s eternal plan also brings us peace. In a world that is constantly changing and often uncertain, the knowledge that God’s works endure forever gives us a firm foundation on which to build our lives. We can move forward with confidence, knowing that God is in control and that His plan for us is good.
As we conclude today’s episode, let us take to heart the lessons we have learned from St. Benedicta of the Cross, St. Joseph, and the wisdom of Ecclesiastes. We are called to walk with God, filled with holy joy, courage, and strength, trusting in His eternal plan for our lives. Like St. Joseph, let our love for God grow each day, nourished by our daily service and prayer. And like St. Benedicta, let us trust that God walks with us on every step of our journey, guiding us with His love and grace.
Thank you for joining us today. May you continue to walk with God, confident in His love and His plan for your life. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you in His care.

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