Let’s Talk! We've Removed Your Content. Recorded 8/8/2024

6 months ago

Welcome, thanks for stopping by! Come on in, and let’s talk!

So, I woke up this particular morning and, after reading my morning Scripture and checking the weather, tried to go into my notifications on Facebook. To my great surprise, and some significant concern and puzzlement, my app opened with the warning, “We’ve removed your content. Click below to see why.” It turns out that their technology had accused me—falsely, I assert—of attempting to uncover someone’s personal and sensitive information and/or share malicious content! I was warned that continuation of these actions would result in constraints being imposed on my ability to post in the future.

The content that was removed was a video which had appeared in my feed, and which I’d shared with a comment relative to myself after I watched it. I’ve shared any number of things that have appeared in my feed. Never once have I attempted to uncover anyone’s information for the purpose of sharing it, and I don’t purposely spread malice.

So, what was the subject of the removed video? Actually, it was rather amusing, and no one was doxxed, nor did any malice ensue, in the shooting of it. It involved one person’s being impressed with the creativity of another person’s mode of transporting a rather substantial shopping haul, which included a good-sized watermelon. I go on to explain why I shared the video, my feelings about what Facebook did, and some practical advice for anyone sharing anything on Facebook, which can be applied to sharing on social media generally. You’ll get a fuller story when you join the conversation!

And now, check out this channel, Make A Joyful Noise!

Video Editing Software: DaVinci Resolve 18.6

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