Prophet Amanda Grace - Critical Prophecy Fulfilling - The Attempt on Trump's Life - Captions

6 months ago

Amanda Grace discusses the events leading up to the assassination attempt on President Trump's life, providing insights into the prophetic messages and warnings that preceded the attempt. She emphasizes the significance of specific dates and prophecies that pointed to the timing and nature of the event. Amanda also calls for prayers for Melania Trump and Baron, highlighting the impact of the event on the entire Trump family and the need for spiritual strength and healing.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-15-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Join Amanda as she analyzes prophecy covering the events over the weekend. She is also joined by Clay Clark and Andrew Sorchini. Tune in July 15 at 4:15pm ET.

Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
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Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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I was actually on the phone with President Donald J Trump's son at the moment that of these events were taking place and I will tell you Amanda that the Trump family they hold you in very high regard you already know that but they hold you in high regard and they you know Eric was the one who called for the call for prayer Eric is the one who called for the call fo r prayer and if anybody hasn't seen your emergency broadcast you did a phenomenal job hopping in in providing a calming voi ce but again I mean there was a reason why you did not change the date of that night of prayer was adamant for me to change it. Yeah. Yeah and so I mean you you were praying for President Trump and I'll be leaving here in just a matter of hours headed there to Milwaukee to be with Eric during his presentation but I just resent that or I just sent it to Elise for the first time there so she should have that. She got it. Yeah. She's yeah. She's shaking her head. Yes. Great. Okay. And I wanted to do that clip real quick. Okay. Okay. I saw Trump rising. I saw an attempt on his line that this bullet flew by came so close to his head that the bust was drunk eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the he got radically born again during this time frame. I'm talking people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus. You know what I saw coming. And then I saw people interceding when he and I see him I saw him when the presidency through great the little trivia would go clear into the great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff but there would be a stop to it and there are things when break free come toward the fall then I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash. Take a look what happened open. Let me see now. Don't be scared. Move. Move. Move. Move. I'm going to tell you what was amazing about this. There was something that something that I want to stop it right there if we get Amanda to allow you an opportunity to react to that. So again I mean because we all understand like this prophecy was delivered by you but Amanda you were there Pastor Steve Chakalani. Yeah. Brandon and it happened and the day after the shooting I'm talking to Eric Trump about it. So I mean this is some profound stuff Amanda. Well we're going to play we we have a clip in a moment from the night of prayer. We're going to play and get both your gentlemen's reaction to it as well. Uh but but if you notice at that event normally when there's an active shooter at a concert or at a venue people scream and they run. Right? Every single person stood there and stared down that shooter. They did not move. And is a testament to to to that you know that resolve right now that it that is raising up in Americans to say we've had enough. We've had enough of this type of nonsense and that was a huge testimony to that. That none of them ran. They all stayed. Um and we're praying for the family who the gentleman that lost his life protecting his family. It was just you know what I mean? You hear that and it just is it's very hard. But I'll get your your gentleman's reaction and then we're going to play a clip from the night of prayer. Sure and I just want to be clear on this and I'm going to go to Andrew here is you know, again, Brandon Biggs prophesied there would be a bullet that whizzed by Trump's ear. He'd fall to his knees. He'd be filled with the Holy Spirit which Kim Clement said that Trump would become a trumpet. He would be a president for a second term but he'd be filled with the Holy Spirit before he returns. Brandon Biggs went on to say then it would be followed by a big economic collapse once he's elected. Now Peter Schiff who's not a spiritual adviser for President Trump. He's not a prophet. He is saying that we have we're going to have an economic collapse as soon as Trump gets in there. Um you're beginning to see the Bricks Block announced they're rolling out a new technology and Andrew you know all about this to introduce a gold backed programmable central bank digital currency. A technology called M bridge which will allow the entire world to the entire bricks world to conduct commerce without using the US dollar. Sir Chine I just want to get your reaction to A the the that prophecy and then and then B the idea that prophets and precious metals experts currency experts are all saying we're headed for an economic collapse following the election. Um this is all real. I mean it's what the what the prophet said about about Trump and it happening is absolutely unbelievable and and he's become such a such a driving force here in this country and it's like I I'm so proud of Trump to see his response. It took him less than two less than two seconds to do the fist and and Clay you and I have done so many different interviews where we you you show the video where Putin is is walking with the royal family in Saudi in in Dubai and his his chest is pumped out he just looks strong and confident has swagger and I was jealous of Russia because they have they have a leader there that actually has a big impact in the whole world and and here we do as well and we saw that a couple days ago and it just makes me really proud to be an American and know that we're About to get the the right person in there. On the flip side and to answer the other part of your question, he can't fix this all in one day. He can't fix it in one year and I'm not even sure if four years is enough time to fix it. I think the best we could hope for is that he gets us on that path but the Bricks are not playing. They control 75% of the world's money and the Bricks nations are rolling out the digital payment system that's going to be gold backed and you need to get it on on gold and silver being on the ground floor because it's happening. You know, what's interesting about that and this thought just came to me, right? And Donald Trump knows this well. When you have a building, right? And the building's a problem. Buildings gotta be knocked down, right? Bricks have to be knocked down. What do you do? You go into a period of demolition and you go into a period of saying, okay, we're going to hit the foundation and it's going to cause the rest of the bricks to come down, right? Now, Donald Trump is is is a master when it comes to construction but this also can be applied to financials as well So, this is going to be very interesting to because he's an out-of-the-box thinker how he's going to deal with bricks. I'm sure he's already been thinking about this but how he's because it's not going to be the way we expect. Well, and if you remember the Kim Clement Prophecy, Kim Clement said, remember, remember gold. Mm hmm. He said gold. Remember gold. That's Kim Clement talking to you. He said, there'll be a simple plan. Remember gold and so what I wanted to do, I just want to take a a brief second if I Amanda just to to get into this because I talked to somebody who's we all know this person to the Reawaken America tour I mean I'm going to be very vague because I don't want to share their personal financial situation but they were calling me Andrew and they said to me Clay I've got a house it's worth about a half million dollars I'm they're they're they're in a blue state and my house is halfway paid off and so because of some economic issues in my husband's business we were looking to pull some equity out so they this person if you can picture in your mind folks they have a house worth a half million dollars it's halfway paid off they put the house on the market it they tried to sell it nine months later they haven't sold it so their thought was I'll just go to the bank and I'll pull out equity and the bank is going nope nope no equity for you so then they said to me how does that whole how does the whole gold thing work like if you wanted to cash out your precious medals how does that work and I said well the way it works is if you bought from BH dash PM. com which is who I buy from it's Andrew's company BH yeah we have his info we could put Andrew's info up but whether you buy from him or you buy I'm just making a names of things but there's you know there's other companies you're not the only guy in the world that sells precious medals you know so there's companies you know like a gold line or like a shift or whatever what happens is if I would argue and Andrew maybe you disagree I would argue that gold and silver is far more liquid than than than equity in a home it was far more liquid and so this person so what do you need to do I said well if I needed to come up with $100, 000 of cash I would simply get on the phone with the precious metals dealers and say hey I would like to cash out my precious metals. So, just to be clear, a lot of the precious medals that I bought from Andrew were at 1700 an ounce, 1600 an ounce, that kind of thing. Now, it's at twenty-four100 per ounce of gold and if I called Andrew's team and said, hey, I want to sell my gold to you. Obviously, you're not going to give me the full market price because you gotta make a profit and obviously, you have to market up a little bit when you sell it but I could get my money Andrew, you know, within the week and in your home, I mean, this person had their house in the on the market for seven months and now they can't get an equity line. I just want to get your thoughts on that Andrew if you're hearing those kind of things because I believe a lot of people are getting their finances trapped within these investment vehicles. They are. The the banks are in a lot of trouble right now and and they're doing a lot to try to protect what they have and they don't want to see the funds leave the bank. I mean we've we recently had somebody that agreed to do a $207, 000 deal. They went to the bank to try to wire it and the bank said hey this is this is fraud. So we cannot send this wire transfer. And these are people that have bought from us and it was Chase Bank which is our also happens to be our bank. We had them overnight a check to us to try to kind of get around. The bank not sending the wire. The check was sent back returned unpaid. Not NSF but unpaid. And the bank the bank will not send it. And the banks are acting like the money that they hold is theirs when it's really yours. But yeah. To answer the question bold and silver are liquid. I was in I was in France recently. I sat next to a guy who what do you do for a living? I told him. I go what do you do for a living? He goes I I help people protect their assets and and I go how do you do that? He says well I sell rare art. And he goes it's not quite like you Andrew because you with your gold and silver that's liquid. Um I still think my art is better but it's not liquid. And I just we spent a little bit of time debating which is better. And I ultimately we agreed that tangible assets are where you need to be. Things that you can get your hands on that you don't need to ask permission in order to liquidate. Yeah. Exactly. Um you know, what's interesting is even with silver, right? Silver is something that can be used easily. Andrew was saying this at one point as tender. You could actually pay for something with a silver coin if someone's willing to accept it and you know what I mean? Gold too but silver, you know what I mean? Comes in smaller denominations and so basically, silver is something that Andrew and I worked on and we did the coin together which I think we have a picture of it to put up because I forgot to grab it from upstairs. I have them upstairs in my purse actually and so we did the coin which Clay was a part of as well and so with Cyrus on one side now that has a meaning now see wait Clay now this coin really has meaning after what happened now this is prophetic guys so this is important for all of you to listen up this coin was designed three months prior to any of this happening what we just saw transpire right this was the design that Cyrus our shepherd, right? Prophetically, Cyrus faithful shepherd and then on the back, 20 twenty-foursaving grace because God will be our saving grace in 20 twenty-four. That's what's and that's why the ark with the dove with the olive branch came to the ark because that showed the waters had begun to recede. So, the storm had was on the verge of ending and the waters were beginning to recede and so this was designed and months and months ago right before any of this and we just actually I don't know about a month ago maybe Andrew or so they you know told people about this finally that the these were these coins were ready to be purchased but these coins have even more prophetic meaning now after what happened than they did before so I'll get you guys reaction on that well man I want to just chime in with something here this is again I I'm just giving real examples of real people that we all know to the Reawaken America tour there's a lady I know and again don't judge her this is before we knew what we knew okay very successful in the medical space and Andrew, we all know people that have made money in the pharmaceutical industry as reps. We all know people are medical reps and now they look back and go, man, I didn't know what I was doing 20 years ago. Well, this person made a lot of money, had over a million dollars in the bank, they decided to put that money into a retirement account. Mm hmm. And so that's what they did. God bless him or her. That's what they did. Well, now, they've decided, hey, you know what? I may want to take my money out and buy some rental properties. So, they called me up and I I'm a business consultant, okay? So, people call me sometimes. This is the kind of things we talk about and they go, how do you and your wife pull money out of this particular kind of investment vehicle without paying a 40% penalty. That's the question they ask me and I said, well, you can't and they go, I can't. What do you mean? What do you and your wife do? And I said, you can't do it. It it it's it's a vehicle that's designed for you to avoid penalties as long as you keep it in there. So, it's not a liquid thing and they go, oh well, I bet you and sell your gold there's a there's a penalty and I said you know I'm going to ask my good friend Andrew on the show about this because Andrew if somebody is listing right now and they have legitimately 10 ounces of gold let's call it for an even number 10 ounces of gold and let's say that the spot price today was twenty-four100 per ounce of gold which by the way for your hip listeners Amanda who've been buying precious medals for the last three years gold used to be what $171800 now announced twenty-four00 so if they had twenty-four $1, 000 of gold Andrew they to sell it to a guy like you to sell it to a precious metals dealer. What's a reasonable hit that someone would take on selling their precious medals? Because we know if somebody were to cash out their retirement, there's 40% penalty in many cases. What would that cost if someone wanted to cash out gold and silver and and sell it to you? It's a great question. It's only going to be about one percent. So other companies will do something where they say okay we charge a 5% liquidation fee. So so what they'll do is they'll calculate what they would normally bid and then they go 5% lower. We don't do that and and for the people that do the 5percent, I don't see anything wrong with that if that's what they're doing but for us, we were lucky enough to get the business from the client in the first place. No. And we'd rather not take a spread on the way out. Uh Andrew, what do you, what is your minimum for people purchasing? Okay, so the minimum is now $2500. Because of California, it's not because of Andrew. Because of California, tax but I have had a couple of people reach out about retirement accounts and they say, oh great. I called a couple years ago and the the minimum was 10000 and now it's 2500 and I'm ready to go but for retirement accounts, it's not really worth you proceeding with a 2500 minimum because the fees are going to be about two hundred fifty dollars a year. So, it's just not cost effective. You might want to talk with your financial advisor. It might it might make sense for you to liquidate that retirement account and take a tax hit and then buy gold and silver as part of a cash deal. No no Amanda I want to ask you this because because you know you hear a lot of people in the prophetic space. I say a lot yourself. Um I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm just documenting things I've heard of Pastor Phil Hodson Pillar yes I've heard Lance Wall now talk about Babylonian system. Yes. That we have to come out of. And what I find is so many people all of their money is in Invested in a marketplace where it's not liquid. They don't have access to their own money. So the question I would have to ask is, you know, why does somebody put their money in a bank? Well, I think we've all been told you put your money in the bank to keep it safe, right? That's what we're told. However, if you can't access it when you want it, if you don't make any interest on having it there, if the bank tells you where and when you can spend it, is that really keeping it safe? And then my final question is, is with the bank, you know, the banks right now. What percentage of the money that you and I deposit in the bank can can the bank now invest in speculative things? Well this just in. Since COVID banks have been allowed to invest every dime that you deposit. So if you deposit a hundred dollars the bank is allowed to turn around and invest those $1hundreddollars into something else. So I really look at it as like we need to figure out what is the purpose of a bank. And so Amanda I sat down with a friend of mine who happens to be a Christian. I'd sat down with him years and years ago and again recently talking about banking and and the purpose of banking. This is a guy who owns a bank and his point was you know the reason why you put your money in the bank is that you can keep it safe and you know maybe make a little interest but just to keep it safe and so I ask the question do you keep your money in a bank is oh absolutely not and and again and it's just it's an interesting thing and Andrew and I know some of the same people so he could probably guess who it is but we're not going to do that but all I'm saying is I'm going where do you keep your money he's like well I I own businesses that generate income and I whenever I have cash I keep it in precious medals and then if I need to generate if I if I ever have cash I want to save it he says I buy precious medals now if I ever want to buy something like a loaf of bread or I want to buy a car or make my mortgage payment or whatever that is I'm going to then cash out and that's how you do it so we need to kind of redefine our saving money and I believe a big component of this Babylonian system is this federal reserve in the Bank of International Settlements which by the way the the Bank of settlements is the is the Central Bank of Central Banks and they recently brought in Yuval Noah Harari to be an adviser so Augustine Carsons who's the head of the oh he's new I haven't seen him before yeah this is the head of the Bank of International Settlements they just brought in Yuval Noah Harari to be a lead adviser and these two guys are introducing a program called Imbridge and Amanda this is programmable central bank digital currency Meaning they can turn off your ability to buy or sell based upon whatever they want. So 15minute cities. You defeated your carbon footprint. You've eaten too much meat. You voted for Trump. I mean this is literally what they're and they brought in you all Harari. So we're going to go to YouTube right now. Don't believe me. Go to YouTube and type in Bank of International Settlements. Yuval Noah Harari and you're going to see the the the Guru of Motivation Augustine Carsons teaming up with the dystopian dictator advocating Yvonne Noah Harari and these two guys are advocating for the Central Bank programmable central bank digital currencies so again man I think we have to get out of the Babylonian system Mm hmm. Well, it has gotten worse over the years and it always does. So, if you take the tower of Babel, right? Before they built Babel, right? Okay, Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord and the Lord wasn't too keen on Nimrod, right? And what they were doing but once they crossed a threshold into oh we're going to come together and we're going to make bricks and we're going to build a tower into heaven and we're going to find our own way to heaven to go you know, to deal with God, right? That is when the Lord said they've gone too far. There's always a point where man has to go too far, right? And they start building the tower of Babel. So, they're not just a people, right? That are settled in an area, they now start coming together of one mind of one accord and building a tower that has dire consequences to civilization because when God had to come down and say okay slow your roll people on earth this is not happening and he confused their languages and scattered them to the areas of the earth they took their nonsense into every area of the earth they did when they were scattered right Amanda the Bank of International Settlements I'm not exaggerating everyone needs to look this up assume I've lost my mind for people that don't know this the Bank of International Settlements is actually their building their actual building is designed to look I'm pulling up on my screen but your listeners could look it up on their own it's designed to look like the Tower of Babel oh Did you just hear that? Bank of International Sediments is designed to look like the Tower of Babel. I didn't know that when that you I just said what I said. Look it up. Don't assume I'm crazy. This guy listen. Yuval Noah Harari. This guy you keep putting his face on your body. Well this is important for people to see because nobody knows it. This guy Amanda his name in Hebrew means Father of Music. That's Yuval means Father of Music Noah as the days of Noah. Harari means shall ascend to the mountain top. His name is a sentence means the father of music as in the days of Noah shall ascend to the mountain top and he's advocating for a programmable central bank digital currency. He wants to change the times. He wants to change the laws. He wants to rewrite the Bible using AI and he did a speech recently at the World Economic Forum where he put the Tower of Babel behind him on the screen on the screen. So, Amanda, when you speak at the Reawaken Tour, we always put the graphic that has the great reset versus great reawakening. This guy, he put up the Tower of Babel. Now, Andrew, I don't know. I mean, you're in California. I'm not sure what percentage of the Californians are a big fan of the Tower of Babel but this guy is the worst. Yup. Yup. He him and that Carston's guy. Um you've played an interview many many times where where Carston's talks about the need for a digital payment system and he said the problem with cash is that we don't know what People are doing with that cash and and that part gets me every single time. It's like that cash is my cash that that I already paid taxes on. What I do with it shouldn't be anybody's business and people are having meetings trying to devise a new payment system that could make it so that any transaction you do monetarily with another human being or business can be tracked and I don't want to be part of that and if we're being forced to, I want to have a way to transact outside of that. Not that I do anything wrong. It's just I don't want people into my business. Oh well that's you know that and that's many Americans don't want. You know what I mean? Right. Uh certain individuals in their business because those individuals are sociopaths and have nefarious purposes and so basically you don't want somebody in your business. That's like that. So yes what they're talking about Clay and Andrew and and diversifying and keeping a lot you know what you have or a portion of what you have in Precious medals does help keep certain people out of your business because right now, the banks are getting desperate. They'll tell you their balance sheets are strong. They'll go through all of that with you but it's the only institution that owns nothing of their own. Okay, they own the building, right? They own the building and they own the tele equipment but beside that, I'm talking about assets. You know, in like, you know, finances. They own every, they don't take everybody else's finances, right? And they function and they rob Peter to pay Paul. You know, Amanda, I've got this clip here that noone wants to hear of Yvonne Noah. I want people to listen to this. No one wants to hear it. I'm going to cover my face. You have to look at this guy because again, this guy is leading the great reset. Here we go. Increasingly, you know, you apply to a bank to get a loan. In many places, it's no longer a human banker who is making this decision about you. He's right. Give you a loan, whether to give you a mortgage. He said, algorithm. Right? Where it's realizing billions of bits of data about you and about of millions of other customers or previous loans determining whether you're credit worthy or not. This guy I mean Yvonne he loves this stuff. I mean this guy is out there pitching this idea. He actually said recently that the nature of money is going to change dramatically. Listen to this and again I don't play these things to motivate myself. I'm just playing this because it's really important people to understand. This guy he actually exists and he's not just a best-selling author who's lost his mind. He's actually praised by Obama Zuckerberg Gates, MIT, Stanford Harvard and many theologians are referring to him as potentially the false prophet. Listen to this. The nature of money is going to change quite dramatically. The old systems of of trust and of ownership will have to adapt radically. And so the shift we have to make here and Andrew I want to see if you could chime in on this because the shift we have to make is Amanda you you have a farm and you you have an animal rescue And so you view animals differently than most people. Like you view animals as a gift from God. I I hear how you talk about them. You might view them as an extension of your family. But some people who've never been around animals. We had a guy who came to our business conference Amanda. You've been in my office before but we have kind of a hobby far in my office. Yes. We had a guy who just came to our conference from the great state of California. And Andrew this guy's walks in and he says sir. Um are you aware you have I mean why do you have goats out there? You know like he was almost like troubled. Like these are some sort of like jungle animal that's going to eat his face off. And I said, well, we have pet goats and he's like, is that allowed? I mean, can you have those? Or you, you know, and then he's in a little bit later at the conference. He's like, what all do you have back there? I said, oh we got these Pyrenees. We got some goats. We got some chickens. We have some turkeys. We've got some bunnies and he's going, is that allowed? I mean, you could tell he was he was almost troubled Andrew because he grew up in that San Diego area and he was troubled by the idea of me not having I guess in his mind the traditional view of what animal ownership could be and I think that's how people they need to reframe their their view of what it what money is. Money is just something that store value. Money is an a way to exchange value. Money is a way to exchange value and a bank is really just a way to save value. So again, money is a way to exchange value and a bank is a way to to save money. Okay, go on Clay. I'm just seeing so common I'm going to put up because I I have to find this but go on. Yeah and so, you know, money is a way that you you exchange, right? Back and forth, the medium of exchange and then a bank is how you save Money. So, why would you and it's just my my thought and I I I tell this people, I don't know that it it works. I feel like I'm shooting a BB at a battleship. I tell people, if you want to save your money, buy precious medals and make your own bank and then whenever you want to go buy something like a car, a boat, groceries, anything, all you do is, you know, you don't want to do this every day. You want to buy and hold but what you do is then you just get a hold of your broker, your dealer, your your precious medals guy and you say, hey, I've got twelve 12 ounces of gold and I want to exchange that for cash and I think Sardine if you could explain how that works because that's very normal for me just like animal ownership is very normal for me just like eating eggs from the chickens that we own is very normal for me and I think this is very not normal for a lot of people. Absolutely and often times I forget to break it down exactly the way that I'm about to because it's so it's something that I do every single day. So, I I don't really think about it as far as how somebody from the outside would be looking at it. So, One thing that's very valuable that we've been able to help people do is set up storage accounts at a third party. So it's a vault. It's a depository like a bank but it's like Delaware. But you still own it. Yeah like Delaware depository. So we've we've had people where they've sold a home. Let's say you sell a home for 500000 and it's your second home. It's not the one that you live in. Now you have $500, 000 in cash sitting in the bank and if you've ever had a significant amount of dollars to you regardless of the dollar amount. If it just if it a lot of money for you. When you go to sleep that first couple those first couple nights you get scared. You start to think of all the bad things that can happen to that money. Yeah. So then you start looking for options in a way to protect yourself. You can't take it out of the bank and keep it at home. Somebody could break into your home. So you can put it in a in a storage facility where it's insured. Okay not the cash but you buy gold and silver and you store it in a in a storage facility. And what's great is if you ever need to sell any part of it you can call me and say hey Andrew I need $30, 000. What should I sell? My gold or my silver or a little bit of both and we'll talk about it a little bit and then, I send you over a transfer form, you just sign it, Email it back to me, I send it to the depository. I have your medals the next day and you get a wire transfer about a day or two after that. So, if it happens early enough in the week, you can have, you can have funds in your hands by Friday and if you need it faster, sometimes there's things that we can do to make it faster. So, it's definitely the way to go. We're not going to tell you no, you Can't sell it. We're we're just going to honor whatever request you have. You know, there's something I want to put up in a moment. Somebody said, I didn't even remember, I remember, I want to get your gentlemen's reaction on this though in a minute once we finished talking about this because someone reminded something I didn't even remember saying and I bet I did prophesy it because it came back to my mind after but with the way things are going, okay? After we have hit the boiling point and the precipice, right? Um it's using wisdom to say okay I'm going to take some of what I have and and and financially put it somewhere where it's safe it it it's wisdom in this time it's wisdom right now because the banks are scared and the banks are nervous and the banks have been doing things for years they shouldn't have been doing including bundling mortgages and selling them which caused the whole 2008 crisis and this this is all this is going on still and so we have to understand that many times they don't Have our best interest at heart. So therefore we have to use wisdom with what God has given us and we have to make sure that we are taking what God has given us and stewarding it well and using wisdom and where to put it. God gave us a brain to use for a reason and he gave us his word to teach us biblical financial principles. Uh and so we have to remember that. Up you clay you're muted. Mueller. Mueller. Am I muted now? Okay. Yeah you're muted. So if you look up if you look up a Haggai in the Bible you know. Yes Haggai. Uh huh. I'm I'm just randomly making up. I mean the Bible unless this is a misprint which by the way there's no misprints in the Bible. It's irrefutable word of God. But it says here Haggai two eight unless God made a mistake which he didn't. It says the silver is mine and the gold is mine saith the Lord of hosts. And at the end of it he didn't say.oops. Just kidding. I mean this was an actual statement and understand this idea Andrew you know this for 17 years since I was 26 years old Brazil Russia India China South Africa they've been hoarding the earth's gold in preparation for what well they form they form this thing called bricks their babble moment right and this year and this year probably Bricks nations they added Dubai Egypt oh Dubai was a shore by the way they're just sitting on they're ready to go they're ready to go and and so here starting in the fall they're going to bricks pay and they're going to start doing trades so Sworcini you you travel from time to time I know you're a man you've been all around the world have you noticed over the past 10 years that people that foreign countries are more excited to see the US dollar or less excited or kind of give us a little because a lot of people don't travel internationally they don't maybe see that but I mean the dollar I'm I'm hearing from people that travel all the time that nobody wants the dollar anymore it it's it's completely done like like before if you pull out Money that's in your pocket. You'll have a lot of US of US currency and then a lot of whatever currency of whatever country that you're in and and you just look at them for some guidance like you're trying to pay for something and ask them which which do you prefer and I remember years ago they always wanted dollars. Now, they don't take dollars at all anymore and I'm I'm talking about recent experience in that. Um I did see an experience where I was in or have an experience where I was in Switzerland and I had Euros and Swiss Franks and they said okay either of those are fine but we prefer the Swiss Frank but there are also dollars in that wad and they don't want any dollars at all it's like a completely out of the question in fact most of the time now they want digital payments in Japan they everything's done digital they don't even want the cash anymore so I think the world is becoming accustomed to the idea that you don't need to hold currency in your hands anymore which is just going to make it a lot easier for the Bricks Nations to succeed and what their goal is. Okay. Well, we could put Andrew Andrew's info again and as we close this out, gentlemen, I want to get your reaction real quick to Trump's VP pick. As we close it out because he picked JD Vance. Well okay I'll I'll say this. I'm going to read the the the statement from Trump. Give me a second here. I'm not playing I'm not playing solitaire. Okay. This is what President Trump wrote. Let's be very clear. We're very clear. I'm going to be very super clear. This is going to be crazy talk here. When I invite you Amanda Grace to speak on the stage at the Reawaken America Tour. Yeah. I give you 0% censorship. Correct me if I'm wrong. I never say Amanda don't say this. Right I've never done that right? I mean I'm just here you go. Here's the mic. Yes. And I will Tell you, 90% of the time, I feel like I'm riding a missile, you know, to the moon. It's a little bit scary. I I don't know if we can get through the firmament. I don't know why I'm on a missile. I'm terrified and the whole thing is just terrible. Yeah. Cuz you're hearing from God and I don't know what you're going to say and so every once in a while, people ask me immediately after you speak. Well, what did you think about what she said? And I go I have to watch it twice which is what I did with your emergency broadcast yesterday. I saw it. I'm like, I'm going to watch it twice because I want to know what I want to understand it. So when when you get a guy like President Trump we're voting one of the things you're voting for is his decision powers. His decision making ability. His ability to make decisions. So one of the first decisions that he makes right? As a president is the Vice President. So this is what he wrote and I'll just say this on the record. I support President Donald J Trump as a man that God is anointed and appointed for such a time as this. I believe he's very skilled and talented. I don't believe he has the natural ability Needed to dodge a bullet. Probably too soon for that joke but you know, I don't think President Trump and his infinite wisdom could dodge a bullet, right? So, this is a God-led man, a God-annointed man and so when he is making some of these decisions, I don't give him a hall pass on every decision but I'm just saying I I I'm leaning into some of these early decisions and hoping that they turn out to be the best. Here's his statement. He writes, after link the deliberation and thought and considering the tremendous talents of many others I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of the Vice President of the United States is Senator JD Vance of the Great State of Ohio. JD honorably served our country in the Marine Corps graduated from Ohio State University in two years Suma Kumlada and is a Yale Law School graduate where he was the editor of the Yale Law Journal and the President of the Yale Law Veterans Association. JD's book Hillbilly Ellerty became a best seller in a movie as a champion of hardworking men and women of our country. JD has had a very successful business career in technology and finance and now during the campaign will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for. The American workers, the farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond. So right now, my early statement is I think this is an early decision made by President Donald J Trump who I'll be voting for I pray that it's a a you know a a God ordained decision. So I I don't know enough to give you any facts to the contrary but I'm really hoping this turns out to be a good pick. Um Andrew I know you're out there in California where communist reigns supreme. Uh were you wishing that he would have picked Michelle Obama to be his VP or what's your thoughts? For me I'm just glad that it's nobody from this state. It's it's I believe in Donald Trump. I I feel I feel he's our guy more now than ever. And and I've all I've always been for but if he says that JD Vance is going to be a good VP then I'm all in. Okay. Well, I'm glad you gentlemen weighed in on it. Uh it has been wonderful having you both on and we will I'm sure have you back on soon. Clay will pray for your travels as you go forth and we'll make sure Andrew put your info back up. Okay, you're muted again. Am I back there? Yeah. Hilarious. Okay. Um one thing I wanted to add real quick and I just want people to know this, you know, again, having been on the phone with Eric Trump as these events were taking place. I just want you to know how grateful and appreciative he was for the prayers of everybody who watches this program. I want people to know how sincerely he was leaning in the morning after the shooting to talk about prophecy and I want people to understand that God is refining us but I just want people to understand this particular ministry, Ark of Grace Ministries is touching President Donald J Trump and his family in a way that very few other ministries are and I'm not saying that to say that Ark of Grace is the the only show you should watch but I am saying for any of you that sow seeds and you donate and you support the Ark of Grace Ministries, you really are sowing seeds into a ministry that's very much relevant in the life of President Donald J Trump. So, Amanda, thank you for not cancelling that night of prayer although it seemed like the best decision for for many on the outside you were filled with conviction by praying to the holy spirit and I'm just saying you did the right thing and I thank you and I really do believe that that prayer call that the night of prayer helped President Donald J Trump to dodge a bullet so thank you for doing that Amanda and I'm so sorry you have a difficult decision to make here with your your horse and then Andrew you're much more beautiful than any horse I've ever Gentlemen wonderful. I mean you want to clay. I appreciate those words. Uh all glory goes to God. It truly you know I just I I'm just trying to push forth and do what the Lord has asked me to do. I mean it. So yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you gentlemen. God bless you. Bye bye. Aren't they fun? Aren't they fun? They're like a mixed bag of nuts when they come on. But they got a lot of information and it's really you know what I mean? A lot of it is quite insightful. But someone post did something. Now, I didn't remember this until they said it and I went, I gotta go find it now. A Cripe posted this while Clay and Andrew were talking. Amanda gave a word about the VP that it would be a man that rose about bad circumstances. That's how I knew it would be JD Vanch. Watch his story in the movie Hillbilly Elegy. He is God's pick. Now, I have to find this because I remember giving this now. Thank you A Cripe for posting that because now I remember giving this. Uh we are going to have to find it though and that's the that's where it's going to to take maybe a little bit of you know a few minutes to to locate it but there was a word about the Vice President and their qualities that that that they would possess and so oh maybe it's a word from the Lord May sixth. Hold on we might Found it. I'll check this for you guys live. Oh, I found it. Praise the Lord. It was May 6th 20 twenty-four. So, this is what the word of the Lord says. The vice president will be a man of deep thought and conviction. The one being considered says the Lord who has been through the fire of affliction and came out humbled says the Lord. A man of direct words and action, a man who loves me, the Lord his God, these are the qualities. I, the Lord, seek and you O'Donnell should seek as well break the curse O Kennedy come out from among them now is your chance so he's warning the Kennedy's there right now in that word also but that was the word given about the vice presidential pick and that was back in May and basically JD Vance fits that thank you A Critical for posting that JD Vance fits that character profile that God put forth that the God said the one that's being considered this is who he is and so it was JD Vance. So all glory goes to God. Yes I got the Psalm ninety-one blanket. Thank you so much. We did. It's in our office. So I did. I'll try to get it down here to show it. We do have some gifts to thank people with. Later on in the week we're going to be doing a broadcast that is a deep dive into all the words going back to 2018 that was pointing at this happening but we do have a clip to show you. So, we have a clip from the night of prayer but praise the Lord. We'll we'll talk about that later on in the week also this clip this prophecy about the vice president and who he was going to be and so maybe we will find that video where I said that and we'll clip it and we'll put it out because it looks like almighty God was describing JD Vance So, I I find it interesting. Um I think where there there's an uneasiness that I feel and I I think because it's all not out of the woods. That's what I'll say about that. So, there's an uneasiness I feel because it's not all out of the woods yet with all of this and what happens but it looks like JD Vance fits that profile of the man that God said would be chosen for vice president. So, praise the Lord for that. So, like I said later on the week we'll be doing a deep dive but I want to show you this clip from the night of prayer because this was just 6 days prior to this assassination attempt and so this clip sets up for the fact that they were going to come at Trump now with physical weapons and so we'll play it for you now let them taunt in the valley the next two months let them taunt and then at the appointed time at the appointed time the holy spirit's going to take control of your mouth mister Trump mister president it's going to take control of your mouth and you're going to say you come to me with sword and spear and javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord of host the God of Israel whom you have taunted and then you will see the overturning happen then you will see an unusual path cleared. Because God is an unprecedented God. That was from the night of prayer 6 days prior to this assassination attempt. You come at me with sword and spear. I said, you let them come at you with sword and spear and javelin. You let them come at you with physical weapons, mister president because you're going to come to them in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom they have taunted and so, that clip will be putting out as well but praise God for that night of prayer and I'm going to say this again. When they moved the sentencing, I knew something was up. So, when they Now, I'm going to tell you something else that the opposite of immune is compromised. Once immunity was granted in the Supreme Court, they were going to try to compromise a neutralizer, okay? So, once immunity was granted because the opposite of immune is compromised, right? It's neutralized. So, this was going to come after that ruling but what's fascinating about the night of prayer is that when they moved the sentencing, I knew something was up and I had I had had this dialogue with the Lord about what do I do? Do I move the night of prayer? Do I keep the night of prayer and the Lord made it very clear that I was not to move this night of prayer that this night of prayer was positioned where it was for good reason and had to be positioned there and I I the Lord checked me not that I was going to cancel it but the Lord made sure check me and say don't change it. And so I would I was after that very settled that we had to go forth with this and we had to do this night of prayer on July seventh. Now interestingly enough now I'm going to look this up but the number twelve is in here somewhere because I was writing it down today about the number the number twelve in this as well. Uh we also have another clip for you I think. Do we have another clip? We have another clip about the hold on. You can put it to me in the private chat which clips we have so I know. Um basically okay Lance Wall now shared on Flashpoint that Trump was compelled to to pick JD Vance. Well that's probably why because the Lord named him. Okay oh they have okay so they have something else also that I'm going to queue for in a moment but I want to now like I said we're going to go over this in depth later on in the week. July 1st, Trump is granted immunity at the Supreme Court. July 1st, he's granted immunity, okay? 12 days later, this attempt comes on his life. 12 is the number of government in rule biblically. This was a very calculated biblical prophetic date to do that because it was 12 days out from when they gave him immunity and twelve having to do with government and rule So on the day that it equals that equals government in rule they were going to try to take out the one that was anointed to lead the government. So we have to understand that as well with this that that the amount of time between that Supreme Court ruling and this is is no accident. Uh is no accident. Now we have something else to show you also. We'll show it later on in the week too. But I will I will show it to you and and set this up for you this clip but this basically has to do with if you remember, I had started around the time of April saying, April is the sixth hour. Remember in Luke where it says, in the sixth hour, darkness came over the land and it lasted til the ninth hour, right? And the Lord pointed me out, April was the sixth month since the Israel Hamas war began. So, April is the sixth hour and darkness falls over the land in the sixth hour and it last til the ninth hour which would be July Okay? Now, we're going to play the whole clip for you in its entirety so you understand the fact that this was pointing out assassinations between or attempts between the sixth hour, April, and the ninth hour, July. So, we'll play that clip now. Hello everyone. I wanted to go over a couple of things very fast that were pointing right at this assassination attempt. On President Trump's life. And all glory be to God that the Lord alone in his hand turned President Trump and saved him. On January 16th, 20twenty-four, the word of the Lord says there is a mantle upon one of the sons says the Lord. A mantle for the nation. A mantle for faith. And this year that son and his family shall see the of God and the power of God in a way that turns him to me that's capitalized. More and more for he has chosen says the Lord to do my work. His wife says the Lord has chosen to do my work and together they shall plow the fields of this nation and watch as I the Lord multiply what is being tilt. What happened? President Trump turned and in him turning the Lord turned him and the bullet missed and grazed him instead and his whole fam witnessed the true power of almighty God at work. Now May 28th 20 twenty-four I had talked about darkness falling over the land in the sixth hour which is April and Lansing till the ninth hour which would be July and we have a clip for you to show you that is going to tie all this in. Now, I want you to remember too. Before we go on. If April is the sixth hour that darkness comes over the lamb remember April is the sixth month since that Israel Hamas war began so if April is the sixth hour that darkness comes over the land and it lasts until the ninth hour which would be July then this assassination attempt happened within that window now the significance of this clip when I spoke about the assassination attempt of the of the Prime Minister of Slovakia was May 2820 twenty-four and I said remember if April is the sixth hour darkness comes over the land and it last until the ninth hour July then this assassination attempt happened within this window that was the precursor and the foreshadowing of the attempt on President Trump's life because it was within that window of April to July where the Lord said darkness would fall over the land in the sixth hour and would last until the ninth hour and the Prime Minister of Slovakia was assassin was attempted to be assassinated during that time and now news has broken and it says assassination attempt on Trump scripted like through a copy book the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico who was severely wounded in an assassination attempt in May which was within that window took to Facebook Sunday to draw comparison between the attempt on Trump's life and the attempt on his own because the assassination We're going to take place, the attempts within that window of the sixth hour to the ninth hour, April through July. When did the PM of Slovakia? When did it happen? May. When did the attempt on Trump's life happen? July. Both within the window that the Lord said. And that was the precursor. Me talking about that. With the with the President Slovakia's attempt falling within that window was the foreshadowing of what would happen in July to President Trump. So keep the faith right now. Keep in prayer. The fear of the Lord is descending upon the whole nation right now and we need to keep in that vein right now. We need to keep in that vein and we need to keep the faith right now. Keep the faith because this is happening within the window that the Lord spoke it would happen. Okay, so that ties all of that together but there was a reason the Lord kept showing me darkness comes over the land in the sixth hour, April and last until the ninth hour, July. There is a reason for that and this was that reason. Now, it was MArkh 17th, 2023 and this is an exit from the word of the Lord. The fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. It shall descend upon your nation and a holy reverence that has not been seen shall descend upon the people as they humble themselves on their face. As they humble themselves on their face before the Lord. And the Lord says after that if you reject my capital purposes says the Lord they shall bind you in chains. However says the Lord if you submit fully you shall be delivered from the snare of the fowler oh trumpets. Says the Lord. That was back MArkh 17th 2023. So it's fascinating. It is and we there's a lot for us to go over and this is why we're going to do a part two of this broadcast and go over more of it later on in the week and yes, people are talking about this in the chat. Um first of all, play pray for Melania Trump. Pray for Melania because her whole life flesh before her eyes with this as well. And pray for her in this and her resolve. And her faith. And and her fortitude in this. And that they are not shaken in the midst of this but this draws them even closer as a family and actually heals wounds that have been there. Uh for years upon years. Heals wounds in their marriage. Heals wounds in them personally that have been there for years upon years. So just pray right now and Baron because he's the youngest. I mean pray for You know, pray for, you know, Eric and Lara too and pray for you know, Don Junior and Kimberly and and and the rest of his kids. Uh pray for them but pray for Baron as well because he's he's the youngest. He's the youngest and and this is hard for a teenager to process. He seems like a very mature teenager but nonetheless, this is not easy for a teenager to process. So, pray for them as well but this is the lengths. Saul went to the same lengths to Take out David. Saul hunted him like a dog. Hunted him like a wild animal and on more than one occasion tried to take physical weapons and take him out. Now they're in a pickle and I'll tell you why. This wasn't the only assassination attempt they were plotting against him. They have a plan B. I'm telling you this right now. This wasn't the only one. They had to make a plan B in case this one failed. You need to pray. I'm very serious about this. You need to pray because they had to make a plan B and you know what? There is a Judas. In the secret service or in that arena and Judas was second tier. I want you to keep that in mind because Jesus had three inner circle confidants, right? And then he had the rest of the disciples, right? That were in the second tier tier and Judas was in that tier, okay? So, this maybe a second in command that set first in command up. Just just remember I'm saying these things. Remember I'm saying them. A second in command that set up the first in command. But there's a plan B. They had to make a plan B in case this failed. We got months left till November and we got the high holy days coming when Satan gets really angry because Rosh Hashanah is the feast of trumpets. So pray because of people going let's pray now. We can absolutely do that. We'll end in prayer today. But I'm telling you there is a plan B with this. This plan B was in case plan A which was what they did in Pennsylvania didn't work. Didn't work. The Lord is not going to allow any of their plans to succeed but Saul had plan A, B, and C with David. How he was going to take him out. So, I'm just telling you, they have a plan B. They do. If we think Biden calling Trump behind the scenes and and trying to smooth it over is is going to make the threat go away. It's not going to neutralize the threat. Almighty God is going to neutralize the threats and that is how the Trump family is going to learn to trust him more and more with their life. Because he he has very soberingly proven that their life is in his hands. And he had put an exclamation point on it but I'm telling you right now that there is a plan B here. They tried the copy playbook from what they did to the PM of Slovakia. They tried the copy playbook from that and it failed, okay? So, if the same copy doesn't work then what you do is you go and make adjustments to the copy and you make it unique to itself so it can't be traced. You make it unique to itself so it cannot be traced So, if they were to try to trace this again and say, well, if they're going to try it again, this is how they're going to do it, it's not going to happen that way. It's not going to happen that way. And I'm not saying it's going to succeed. I'm saying they have it. There's a difference. There's a huge difference. I'm not saying it's going to succeed by any measure. But I am saying that it is been activated. Plan B has now been activated and plan B may even be involved in taking somebody out on the other side and replacing that person but I'm saying there is a plan B and it's not going to be a copycat of what we just saw. It's going to be unique to itself and so just remember that going forward. Just remember that going forward. Because it's a serious time and it calls for serious measures. So, we'll we'll pray and that's how we'll end we'll end the broadcast and that just flew out of my mouth. So, now I gotta pray about what plan B is because you know, that just flew out of my mouth and now I gotta pray about it and ask the Lord and pray on this. Okay. So, oh yes and the classified doc's case was dismissed. We'll be talking about that as well later on in the week. They moved from bait and switch to distract and switch. I'm telling you this. Had that plan succeeded that would have been the distraction. And they would have switched. That out. If they moved to distract and switch. Okay? So what happened on Saturday was meant to be distract and switch. Okay? They they entertained bait and switch. They moved to distract and switch. Distract and switch. Backfired. Caused a political backdraft that we're only seeing the beginnings of. And so we just have to be in prayer. We just have to be in prayer. So oh my goodness Lord. Your goodness not my goodness. Okay. Let's pray and we'll end the broadcast. For today. So Father God in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ. Lord we come before you Father. Lord we praise you for your protection. We praise you that you are an ever present help in times of trouble Father God. We praise you Father God that you hold everything in existence father Lord that you speak and it is father that your judgments rule and reign supreme father God that your judgement overrides the plans of the enemy and father in the name of Jesus Christ the plan B that they had set in place before they did what they did on Saturday. Father God in Jesus name expose it. Expose it Lord. Expose it to its fullest father God that it cannot accomplish what they have for it to accomplish because as the desperation mounts, the plans get more outlandish. They get more heinous. And father in the name of Jesus Christ we ask you expose these plants father God you expose every inner working father God you expose the blueprint of them father God in Jesus name Lord and father we ask in the name of Jesus Christ father that your name is the loudest voice right now that your name echoes across the nation that the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom sweeps through this nation father God and sweeps through the digital arena of media that those that have even been the staunchest father God of Liberals or the most compromised of Republicans have to say that the hand of God is moving. That out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak and that you will get a hold of their mouths father God and there are liberal pundits that are going to say things live on air bringing glory to your name that are going to baffle the host baffle the heads of media baffle those watching and we thank you father God that this is coming forth and this is about to happen and father that private meeting that occurred where they discussed the baiting switch and the distracting switch. Expose the donkeys and the elephants that were in that room. Expose them Lord. Expose them for the snakes that they are and the robbers of the American people they are and how little they have regard for life in order to hold on to a corrupted power that is nothing more than a pit. Expose it Lord. Shine your spotlight on it. Shine your truth on it father God. Your light permeates every area of darkness and the darkness has to buckle and submit to the light Lord and we just ask for that in the name of Jesus Christ as your children father God and Lord we just ask it's continued hedge of protection and your holy angels of offices rankings and divisions father God. Legions of them father right now. Surround President Trump's family and JD Vance and his family father God as they go forth Lord. As they go forth father to surround and protect them and keep

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