Pumped Up for the Grind

2 months ago

There is no force in the universe more powerful than your will or power.
~Edgar Cayce

Well it has been a minute since I posted any training and/or workout videos but I am training with consistency while dealing dealing with an ongoing issue with my left Gluteus Medius, Iliotibial Band (ITB) and Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL),

This issue has impacted my ability to train lower body with any degree of intensity and weight while maintaining a BW only regiment as things slowly heal,

I humbly proffer todays training session that was essentially an upper body session that was both challenging and satisfying and resulted in a glorious pump that was complimented by lighting,

As always I implore you that your first wealth is your health and to invest wisely.
~Buddha Sadu Gains

I hold my own mind and think apart from other men.
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