Agenda-Free TV When "Breaking News" Does NOT Happen

6 months ago

Agenda-Free TV becomes like "Seinfeld" a show about NOTHING when NOTHING happens as they spent eight and a half hours waiting for something, anything to happen as live cameras capture NOTHING happening in Israel as they anticipated an attack from Iran in retaliation for the assassination of a Hamas leader in Tehran. Mercifully, the DUmmie FUnnies will show you only very brief clips of absolutely NOTHING happening on Agenda-Free TV as Steve Lookner and his audience waited for NOTHING to happen. Okay, something actually did happen. Steve took a meal break which was the highlight of his eight and a half hours.

This highlights the problem trying to anticipate a military attack in advance. The combatants might not be working according to the expected schedule. If Steve Lookner and Agenda-Free TV had been around in December 1941 I wouldn't have been surprised if they were live streaming from Pearl Harbor anticipating the attack on Pearl Harbor ...on December 6. The result would have also been nothing happening and a great reluctance to repeat the same mistake of live coverage the following day.

I am now demanding that Agenda-Free TV provide eight and a half hours of live coverage of water evaporating on my parking lot but ONLY if Linda Belk moderates the event on X (which will forever still be known as Twitter).

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