Insane: IOC President Pisses Everyone Off Claiming There's No Easy Way To Tell A Man From A Woman

7 months ago

Posted • August 9, 2024: You know the face you make when someone says something so stupid you can't tell if they're trolling or really just that stupid? That's the face we made when we came across this video of the IOW president claiming there is no solid scientific system on how to identify men and women. No, really. We hate to break it to this brain trust but we've had a fairly solid way of telling men from women since you know, the beginning of time. -- Ahem. 一 IOC president says there is no solid scientific system on how to identify men and women. -- We find ourselves just sort of sitting back and trying to figure out how this is real life. Things that seem so simple, that make sense, like being able to tell a man from a woman are somehow foreign concepts and controversial. Then again, they are responsible for men beating on women at the Olympics so maybe playing stupid is all they've got. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - INSANE: IOC President Pisses EVERYONE Off Claiming There's No Easy Way to Tell a Man from a Woman

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