Correction: Joe Rogan Likes RFK Jr. But Doesn't Actually Endorse Him...

6 months ago

"For the record, this isn't an endorsement. This is me saying that I like RFKjr as a person, and I really appreciate the way he discusses things with civility and intelligence. I think we could use more of that in this world.

"I also think Trump raising his fist and saying 'fight!' after getting shot is one of the most American fucking things of all time.

"I'm not the guy to get political information from. If you want that from a comic, go to @ComicDaveSmith. He actually knows what he's talking about."

-- Joe Rogan @joerogan, August 9, 2024



On August 9, 2024, Dave Smith @ComicDaveSmith writes:

"Trump supporters have a lot of nerve flipping out because @joerogan said some nice things about RFK.

"During the greatest assault on liberty in modern US history, Trump praised lockdowns, demonized countries not locking down and brags to this day about the bs vax.

"Rogan, on the other hand, had the biggest platform in the country and relentlessly exposed the entire con for what it was, in heroic fashion.

"I'm not endorsing Bobby Kennedy (neither is Joe btw) but he can support whoever the hell he wants to and if people who are voting for President lockdown warp speed have a problem, maybe they should consider the possibility that their guy should be less awful on stuff."



Joe Rogan, the World’s Top-Rated Podcaster, Endorses Kennedy for President. The Mainstream Media Remains Mum.
By Adam Garrie
The Kennedy Beacon
August 9, 2024

The world's top-rated podcaster, Joe Rogan -- who has 11 million podcast subscribers and nearly two billion downloads -- has endorsed independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the 2024 election.

Thus far, the mainstream media has blacked out this news, as my colleague, Trevor Fitzgibbon, noted on X: "24 hrs after the #1 podcaster in the world, @joerogan, endorses RFKJr, there is not one story on @NBC, @nytimes @washingtonpost or @CNN. Anyone questioning the corporate media's #censorship of @RobertKennedyJr, need only look at the news this a.m. #disgraceful"

During an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, featuring Bob Gymlan, Rogan explained why he supports Kennedy,

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? He's the only one that makes sense to me. He's the only one that doesn't attack people. He attacks actions and ideas. He's much more reasonable and intelligent."

The top-rated podcaster continued, praising Kennedy for his work as an environmental attorney, calling him a "legitimate guy."

Rogan has frequently called Kennedy a trustworthy public figure. Last year, Rogan conducted a lengthy interview with Kennedy about the malfeasance of federal officials overseeing public health during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interview allowed Kennedy to offer insights gained from years of research into the capture of health agencies by pharmaceutical companies and Dr. Anthony Fauci's checkered past.

Rogan's endorsement comes as news broke that Harris and Trump have agreed to be on the debate stage on September 10, hosted by ABC News. So far this mainstream media event does not include Kennedy despite this historic ballot access drive.

Additional debates are tentatively planned for September that will be hosted by other broadcasters. Kennedy has encouraged supporters to call Fox news at (888) 369-4762 and insist Kennedy be invited on the debate stage.

Rogan has always highlighted Kennedy's influential role in shaping public opinion as he wins hearts and minds from coast to coast.

Responding to Rogan's endorsement, Kennedy wrote the following on X, "From one 'legitimate' guy to another, thank you @JoeRogan for always putting substance first." He continued, "This election is not about left vs. right. It's about Americans of goodwill coming together to end the tyranny of corruption in our system -- so that we once again have a government and economy that works for all people. Let's do this."

Source video:

Joe Rogan:

“That’s politics. They do it on the left. They do it on the right. They gaslight you, they manipulate you, they promote narratives… the only one who’s not doing that is Robert F Kennedy Jr… he’s the only one that makes sense to me. He’s the only one that he doesn’t attack people. He attacks actions and ideas… he’s much more reasonable and intelligent… he’s a legitimate guy.

You know, before anybody started calling him an anti-vaxxer, which I thought he was just nuts… like a conspiracy theorist nut until I read his book. I read The Real Anthony Fauci, and I’m like… how much of this is real? Because if it’s all real, this is f!@king insane.”

See also:

Joe Rogan @joerogan videos on this Rumble channel:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On X

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble

Children's Health Defense Website

Children's Health Defense On X

Children's Health Defense On Rumble

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Book)

Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak (Book)

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