Empowering to make a Difference: Joeylynn Mesaros | Episode 23

7 months ago

Sarah and Joeylynn share their experience at the Patriot Academy, a program dedicated to equipping citizen leaders. They discuss the importance of learning about government policy and ethical leadership, as well as the need to defend free speech rights. Joeylynn shares her personal experience of being sued for exercising her free speech in support of President Trump. They highlight the immersive and intensive training at the academy, including writing and arguing bills, and the impact it has on empowering individuals to make a difference in their communities. Sarah and Joeylynn encourage listeners to get involved with Patriot Academy and become informed and active citizens.

Support Joeylynn:

Instagram: @patriotacademy, @joeylynn_mesaros, @freespeechdefenders

X: @freespeechdef, @RickGreenTX, @PatriotAcademy
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