"WHAT A roBOT" [blackrock puppets]

5 months ago

[NOTE] BLACKROCK media news still try buy time trust for collect moneys, they really not for trump people figure later, they only tell logic to point for sound real then they stabbing trump on back when get people trust, thats wallstreet type manipulation for use people moneys to attack trump on end, now they looks sound 'very serious' with hot topics when 'biden group' effect not been really step side only different fake leaders on front when one puppet fails, they know war is they plan how why they only play time for start wars to continue mass murders killings, thats how total 'mind fucks' been made, only you can do is wake up faster when all already is on your own face, blackrock fox news not your friend not matter how good looks sounds only second CNN, blackrock media know what show to people for shock people thats how buy people trust get people moneys with all enterntainment level news when on same moment happen false flags operations for show war news for to next week, they buy time to be one step forward other way they not talk against they fake leaders, pentagon was already make plans for war with false flags to days forward also all market moneys banks moneys was been channelled into totally wrong hands only into war plan terrorism whats inside job, even full disclosure remove all that you have 'long winter' ahead now with listen all fake news from where your all believes comes from when not WAKE UP NOW

[know] not let news tell for you what to think or you make only suicide, old program is gone not come back so do now your own rebooting for your own mind


https://rumble.com/user/pleiadianinfo?q=MIND fuck
https://rumble.com/user/pleiadianvideos?q=MIND fuck

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