Are We From The Stars? Kryon – Lee Carroll

2 months ago

Is it possible that human beings are actually from the Stars?

Did we graduate and evolve like all the other animals on the planet?

Today’s science allows us to look at our Ancestors DNA. What it was and what it became and then suddenly it was changed.

There is a shift in human DNA that took place approximately 200,000 years ago.

All humans used to have 24 pairs of chromosomes and then suddenly it changed to 23.

This happened in a small geological window of time, which means this couldn’t have been a natural happening.

It means we actually didn’t come from what is here.

We are NOT a product of Human Evolution at all.

What took place was not natural evolution.

What took place was Intervention.

Is it possible we did come from the stars?

What happened to that human that had 24 pairs of chromosomes and how did we get 23?

If there was intervention it did not come from Earth. It came from somewhere far away. It came from those who knew about DNA.

They didn’t just intervene and change our DNA, but they came on purpose, on time, with love in order to give you the seeds of their own DNA.

This change will help us evolve into a higher consciousness of compassion and love.

We are not alone. This particular planety is one of the last ones to be seeded with life. There are 10’s of thousands of planets that has life that is far more older and advanced.

There is a family out there in the sky who knows who we are.

One of the closest constellations is the 7 sisters, a group of 9 nines stars with 3 significant planets going around them, this is the “Mother Energy” – where we came from, the seeds that we carry today are Pleiadian.

What makes us so magnificent is that those who seeded us if from and Ascended Race.

How is space travel going to be? How fast will be able to travel? How long will it take to get the 7 sisters?

The Pleiadian’s came here without vehicles. They entangled their consciousness with that of the planet and they arrived instantly.

It is not like faster than light travel because they didn’t travel. They entangled their reality with yours.

History is filled with stories that make ET’s look like our enemies and our conqueror’s.

What if it was absolutely the reverse?

What if the lowest energy of all is here on this planet and the highest energy is what we are looking out into the stars?

What if the star stuff out there is the star stuff within us?

If this is true, when are we going to meet them, our seeders, our true relatives, our mothers and fathers?

They didn’t leave. We still can meet them here. Not in a form that we would recognize.

How many Angels have appeared in the scriptures seemingly out of nowhere giving loving messages to humanity?

Were they really Angels or where they something a lot different than any of us would ever imagine.

What if they were from the stars to continue to guide humanity. To help humanity mature. To help us grow into a compassionate race and start the same process that they had for an ascended planet.

One we begin to question why we have 23 pairs of chromosomes (from what we can see), how did we lose one so quickly? There is an invisible pair that we will discover someday.

The answer is because we did not come from here, we are not “products of evolution.”

As we grow into the maturity of the compassion within the seeds of our DNA we will realize that we were seeded by those with love and sometime we will meet them. First we have to collectively unite in love and compassion on this planet and rid all concepts of wars.

Wars will never allow this planet to evolve and those in power know this and want they don’t want to evolve because they believe they are happy being the landlords and slave owners.

A shift is occurring on this planet and they are being exposed by the light, love, compassion and higher consciousness of the masses waking up.

Their time will soon come to an end. It may not be in our lifetime, but this planet will be completely different in 300 years and we are a part of this great shift that is beginning.

Source: Kryon Lee Carroll --


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END. 8/10/2024 – 6:00 PM

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