Surviving ICU: The Value of Qualified, Specialist Intensive Care Nurses for INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME

2 months ago

Surviving ICU: The Value of Qualified, Specialist Intensive Care Nurses for INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME

Surviving ICU: The value of a qualified, specialist intensive care nurse

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies at home where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units at home whilst providing quality care for long-term, ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies at home, otherwise medically complex clients, adults and children at home, which includes Home BIPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), Home CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), home tracheostomy care for adults and children that are not ventilated, Home TPN (total parenteral nutrition), and Home IV potassium infusions, home IV magnesium infusions, and home IV antibiotics. We also provide port management, central line management, PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters) line management, as well as Hickman’s line management. We also provide palliative care services at home.

We’re also sending our critical care nurses into the home for emergency department bypass services. We have done so successfully in the past for the Western Sydney Local Area Health District with their in-touch program.

So today, I want to actually focus on a recent article from Monash University. Monash University in Melbourne, Australia says, “Surviving ICU: The value of a qualified, specialist intensive care nurse.”

Now, this article has sparked my interest, not only because one of the co-authors is Paul Ross, who is one of my former colleagues. A shout out to Paul Ross here who is an amazing ICU nurse, but also the other two co-authors, one of them I worked with, which is Professor David Pilcher, one of ICU consultant. Then there’s also Wendy Pollock, another ICU nurse who have written the article together.

Now, I’ll give you the gist of the article before I read some excerpts from it. Basically, the article highlights that specialist intensive care nurses with a postgraduate critical care qualification will make all the difference in patient outcomes in intensive care.

Now, the same is applicable to Intensive Care at Home. The article talks about that if an ICU employs over 50% to 75% of ICU nurses with the postgraduate critical care qualification, the mortality rate in ICU is going down considerably. It’s the same here with Intensive Care at Home, we would approximately employ 75% of our ICU nurses with the postgraduate critical care qualification, which is a fantastic result for us, and it also improves outcomes for our clients as well. Now, similar to ICU in hospitals, we employ hundreds of years of ICU experience combined. Most of them with the postgraduate critical care qualification.

Now, one of our KPIs is to have no non elective hospital readmissions back to hospital, and we are achieving that KPIs.

So, let’s just look at the article and I will bring it back to how it really impacts and impacts on Intensive Care at Home and that we are doing similar things here to keep our quality standards very high.

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