Mecca, Saudi Arabia 07 Aug 2024 - Media Silence....again. (See Description)

6 months ago

Given the deep-state cabal, Khazarian Mafia owned mainstream media's thirst for all things that promote the Bullsh!t "climate crisis" hoax originating within the confines of the Club of Rome.....why are the media not jumping onboard of countless serious flooding in most countries across all continents? The floods are NOT normal, but the media are silent because people will question what they see, so the likes of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation will hide stories like this one....why? Because the people will discover that weather manipulation and weather warfare technology has been around for many decades, the people will find out about HAARP, Direct Energy Weaponry, Cloud Seeding, and more, and then the people will eventually find out why they do that.

Here's a bonus article for you all to read....


“It was an infamous moment in the history of disease. People living near a secretive government bioweapons lab suddenly start getting sick. The government launches an investigation and declares that they’ve found a new disease. Independent journalists learn that the government was using the nearby lab to conduct gain-of-function experiments on animal-borne illnesses, and speculate that a lab leak might be the cause of the outbreak. The corporate media and expert class immediately spring into action and declare that the lab leak hypothesis is a conspiracy theory. You may be thinking that this is a summary of the SARS‑CoV‑2 lab leak story from 2020. In fact, it describes the outbreak of Lyme disease in the 1970s…”

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