Take that One Step!

7 months ago


Do you find yourself wanting to be courageous but holding back?

Sometimes we can’t see what’s ahead & we don’t know what is coming… and so we just delay.

We procrastinate.

We don’t go forth in courage.

💪🏻 But I want you to and me today to be more courageous.

To go for it even when we don’t know what’s coming… tomorrow, next week, or next month.

❤️ One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

He said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

❣️ I read a stat this morning actually that said, “Most of us hope for things to change, but only 3% of us actually take steps to make it happen.”

☀️ So today, let’s branch out.

Let’s step out and just take one step of faith.

I want you to be part of the 3%; how about you?

#hopefortoday #hopeministries #hopeministry #melaniemredd #stepout #becourageous #mlk #mlkquotes #takeonestep #goforit

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