The nation of Israel is being managed by the Kabbalah - dark magic

6 months ago

The Kabbalah is a form of Judaism that was practiced in pre-Biblical and Biblical times was based on the Torah—the first five books of the Old Testament. After the death of Christ—which was orchestrated by the Sanhedrin (supreme rabbinical court)--the Roman province of Judaea fell into chaos, culminating in the destruction of the Second Temple in the year 70 AD, resulting in the diaspora (exodus) of the Jewish people from the Holy Land. Many of these people became the early Christians.

By the Fourth Century AD, after the Council of Nicaea in 325, Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. At the same time, the remnants of the Sanhedrin--the Pharisees who had rejected Christ—were reorganizing Jewish theology with new ideas. They wrote the Talmud, which they claimed were oral traditions that pre-dated Christ, and later—in the 13th century—the Zohar, which was the origin of Kabbalah. (Jewish Mysticism)

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