Putin's Face As He's Briefed About Ukraine's Surprise Invasion Of Russia

7 months ago

Posted • August 9, 2024: The Ukrainian Army launched an attack into Russia's Kursk Oblast during the early hours of Tuesday. The attacking force seems to consist of about two brigades of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, totaling about 1500 to 2000 troops. The attack swiftly overran Russian positions, seized over 200 square miles of Russian territory, seized the gas pumping station that controls all Russian gas flows to Europe, and appears to have controlled the main Russian railway supply route for Russian forces in Ukraine. Biden's national security apparatus was caught flat-footed; perhaps that was why the Ukrainians achieved tactical and operational surprise. Putin was not happy. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Ukraine's Surprise Invasion of Russia Leaves Putin With the Stunned-Mullet Look
Rumble: Ukraine's Surprise Invasion Of Russia Leaves Putin With The Stunned-Mullet Look
Rumble: Russian Propagandist Mardan Threatens A Tactical Nuclear Strike On AFU Soldiers In Kursk Region

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